05| Parks & Shocks

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We finally get to school after that awkward ride. I quickly jump out of the car and yell a goodbye over my shoulder, even though I have my first class with Jacob and Xander but Jacob is probably going to the art room and I don't want to be left alone with the boys.

I head to my locker and drop my backpack, I still have less than 20mins left until class starts.

"Hey bitch!", I turn around and see Helena and Alexandria, I instantly know who greeted me-it's Helena, she's the loud one in the group. I mean I'm also loud but not as loud as Helena.

"Hey girls", I say giving both of them hugs. I notice the faraway look in Alex's eyes, I can tell she isn't paying attention to us.

"Hey Hels", I say nodding my head to Alex, she still hasn't noticed us,"what's wrong with Alex".

She simply shrugs, "girl what's on your mind", Helena says shaking her.

Color comes unto her cheeks, she looks as red as Helena's hair, oooohh I wonder what she's thinking.

"Um-I am um just um nothing, it's nothing", she stutters.

Helena and I look at her suspiciously.

I start to sniff around me like I'm smelling something, "hmmm, Hels *sniff* do you smell something *sniff*", I say to Helena acting like Alex wasn't there.

She starts to sniff also catching on to what I'm doing, "Yeah I do *sniff* it smells like, like, like *sniff*".

"Something fishy", Helena and I say in sync, laughing.

Alex rolls her eyes and says, "it's nothing I swear".

"Sure", Helena and I say unconvincingly.

Just then the warning bell rings, and the hallway fills with slamming of lockers and students scrambling to get to class fast. Alex separates from us, but I tell her this isn't over.

Helena and I start walking to Calculus and I get lost in my thoughts also remembering that Xander is in that class also.


School passes quickly, thank goodness. And here I am again waiting by Jacob's car and I'm starting to get angry, I've been waiting for him for about twenty minutes now, what is he still doing inside.

"Hey babe", I turn to see Ryan, I hadn't seen him since lunch.

"Hey", I smile giving him a hug,"what have you been up to". We haven't really been talking like we used to.

"Preparing for our six month anniversary", he murmurs sweetly. I had forgotten about that.

"I can't wa-"

"Get in the car, let's get going", a voice cuts me off, making me jump out of my embrace with Ryan. I turn to see Jacob, Xander and Xavier looking at us, I just remembered the awkward ride this morning-I do not want to go through that again.

"They're coming with us again", I blurt out before thinking.

"Yes, you don't mind right?".

"No no", I say.

"Um I was hoping to take Jasmine out for lunch, well a late lunch", Ryan says obviously sending my distress, oh thank you thank you Ryan.

"Yeah sure, Jacob go home I'll be back before seven", I say to Jacob who is glaring at Ryan, I turn to the twins and see them also glaring at Ryan, I'm guessing they hate him because Jacob hates him, oh well don't care.

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