09| Nightmares & Memories

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Cover by broken_lies45

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He's doing it again. What did I ever do to deserve this. I try to scream but my throat feels sore and my lips are cracked. Somebody help, I said help, why won't anyone come to my aid. I start to sob and he hits me right across the face. Maybe this is my life from now on.


I'm awoken by a sharp ache on the side of my face and in my head, I cup my cheek and look around coming face to face with Xander.

"D-did you hit me", I say in shock.

"I'm sorry, I panicked you were shouting and trashing around I didn't know what to do. At first I tried waking you up normally but you didn't wake up", he rambles on, "then you started crying and shouting for help and I—"

I cut him off and pull him into my arms, "thank you".

He seemed shocked but he hugged me back.

"How are you feeling", he asked as I released him from my hold.

As if on cue the ache in my head seems to come back again, it was like a thousand hammers banging my skull.

"Holy mother of gummy bears", I groan.

Xander looked at me in amusement and handed me Advil and a glass of water. I mumble a thanks.

After gulping the Advil down I took a good look at Xander and noticed he was shirtless. The scar that I had noticed earlier on his first day at school didn't actually go to the back of his shoulder, it went down his shoulder, I'm not really sure where it ends because of his tattoos.

His tattoos though are only on his arms like a sleeve, it starts at his shoulder and stops at his wrists. I notice a few scars scattered across his chest although I'm only focused on the one at his shoulder. I have the urge to trail it but I put my hands into a fist holding back continuing to stare at it.

Because my curiosity always gets the best of me I just have to ask, "where did you get your scars from?".

"What was your nightmare about?", he retorts in a hard voice.

I look up at him and open my mouth urging myself to speak, but nothing comes out.

"Exactly", he says standing up from the kneeling position he was in beside my bed. "I'm going to head down", he picks up his shirt and starts to put it on.

"Wait!", I say unnecessarily loud, "I don't remember how I got up here, did you bring me up here?" My eyes widen realizing something, "did you sleep here, we didn't do-".

"Okay, firstly I brought you up here after you got drunk, you're such a lightweight by the way, then you told me to stay, secondly I couldn't bring myself to sleep in your bed without you being in your right senses. So I slept on the floor", he says.

I nod, "thanks again".

He walks out of the room and shuts the door quietly. I look around my room then at the blankets he used the night before. That must have been really uncomfortable.

My room is just basic nothing to fancy. It has a light pink, light grey and white color scheme, there's a cute hanging swing chair to the left of my bed where I spend most of my time reading. My desk with a swivel chair and some of my favorite books. Then a dresser with  a grey ottoman and a small mirror, I mostly do my makeup there. Nothing extravagant.

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