10 : erA uoy Ohw rebmemeR

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The clouds began to cover the sun, The wind is getting stronger, Once again the city will be hit by the strom of the monsoon season.

Ever since Tine discharged, he spend his day with Green and his friends
He begin to remember common things about himself,  like his age,  his college life, his parents dead.. But he still can't figure out who Bright is. Its like theres a huge piece of important memory that he can't recall..like theres a wall blocking him from remembering it.

That's why.. Every single day Tine would always comes by at Bright house but Bright never allowed him to sleepover and Tine never know Why.

Until one day..

They watched news on the Tvs.

"As you can see here,  the statement shows that the storm will be headed to this area, Floods are expected in some places, If you are in a public place, please leave immediately, it is advisable to stay at home until the storm subsides"

" Well.. Looks like I gotta stay here. "

Tine smile brightly and Bright just smirk.

" it's my first time seing you in tank tops

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" it's my first time seing you in tank tops. You have quite a nice body P.. "

" shut up. "

Tine giggles. He's Looking at Bright's body, his straight back, and broad shoulders that's when he saw it..

" I never knew you have a tattoo "

" I just made it yesterday. "

" Really? "

Bright grab a cup of juice and rise his brows.

Tine comes closer and touched the tattoo.
Bright  can feel Tine's fingers moved along at his back and he just stay silent.

"  erA uoy Ohw rebmemeR?? Oyy,  P.. Are you putting some black magic spell?? "

Bright turn around and take Tine to the balcony. He touched the door that made from glass.

He smile to Tine,  get rid of his tank tops and turn his back around.

" Look. "


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