Chapter 3

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"She's hiding something"

Sebastian lift a brow as he sat across from the Reaper "Who?" William sipped his coffee "(Y/n) (L/n). Alex's little friend" Grell checked his nails "The only thing she would be hiding is a good persona.."

Claude silently sat there and graded papers as the others spoke. A humming silverette walked in the Teacher's Lounge and noticed how everyone was staring at Will.

"Oh, what's goin' on now?"

Sebastian sat back and looked to Undertaker as he sat down "William says (Y/n)'s hiding something" Undertaker tilted his head "Really? How so?" William sipped his coffee again "The other night when I went to her home, she threw a knife" The others deadpan at his words.

Claude wiped his glasses "Anyone can throw a knife, Spears.." He placed them back on "Not the way she did" They all stopped what they were doing and looked at the dark haired Reaper. "The speed and precision. She threw it at a window. Not even a crack was there, just the hole in where the knife struck. It shouldn't be possible for something of that matter to cut into glass without breaking it..."

Sebastian and Claude's eyes connected. Looks like they have to go to the big guns.


Mr. Smith gave the two ravenette's a folder "Here's all the information on 'er" Sebastian picked it up and lift a brow "Are you sure? It's surprisingly thin.."

The man nodded "She didn't have much ever since she enrolled in this area. We call her The Mystery. Clever name, huh?"


Grell looked the folder over, taking the sheet out and shaking it to see if anything would fall out. He turned to the Demons "That's it!? Just this flimsy little paper?"

Undertaker picked it out his grasp "At least its something~ Let's see here.."

There was a picture of the (h/c) haired girl as she held nothing but a cold, stone face and crossed arms. "(Y/n) (L/n). Moved to England in 6th grade...Hair color: (h/c), eye color: (e/c).."

"Parents Occupation... Well that's strange." Claude walked over as Undertaker handed him the paper.

"It's blank."


"(Y/n), I need to ask you a question about Alex's favorite type of flower. Do you think a Rose is better or a Sunflower?" The blonde male walked after the girl but she kept going. She then looked back and pulled a Craig Tucker, flipping him off and walking into the crowd.

Alois furrowed his brows and went after her but she was gone as the wave of students flew in. The blonde scoffed as Alex walked over with Ronald and Ciel. "What's wrong with you?"

Alois crossed his arms "Your little friend, "(Y/n)"" He put up air quotes "Flipped me off and ignored me!" Ronakd laughed and tried to block the slaps from the shorter blonde. 'Good. They dont need to be focused on her' Alex descretly smirked but covered it up "I'll talk to her. She might be on her period or something"

Alois hugged the pink eyed girl "Oh, Alex! You're so nice." The girl giggled as Ronald glared at the two but Ciel was thinking back to the text he had on Friday.

'Maybe she was done with us..'


William stared at the (h/c) haired girl as she worked on her Math test.

(Y/n) acted like she was stretching and squinted her eyes to see the Teacher looking at her. 'What the fuck does he need?'

He suddenly stood and went to her desk. Will bent down and cupped her ear "Outside. Now" He walked through the rows and left the classroom. Some of the girls glared at the (h/c) girl as she blankly looked at where the male left.

(Y/n) sighed and stood, going about her way. As soon as the door closed, She glared at him "I got a test to finish. Hurry the fuck up" The dark haired Reaper fixed his glasses "There's no need to say anything vulgar" (Y/n) gave him a bored look. William cleared his throat and fixed his posture.

"What are your Parentals occupations?"

The girl huffed "Occupation means job right?" William rolled his eyes and nodded. 'Ain't gotta have an attitude..' "Military"

"What part? Airline? Navy?"

The girl put her hands on her pockets and shrugged "They never told me" William hummed "Can I finish my test? I'm not trying to fail because of you" Will fixed his glasses "Yes. Go ahead" (Y/n) walked back inside and once she saw the time, she grumbled. 'I got two more fucking minutes!'

While she grumbled, she didn't notice the bell ringing. She sighed and rubbed her face in annoyance, trying to control her anger. "Come in tomorrow morning. I'll let you finish it" She nodded and passed it to William.

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