Chapter 16

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(Y/n) walked into her usual empty room, placing her bag down and turning the projector on

That's when she swung back and wrapped her fingers around the neck of the being behind her "W-What are you doing!" She gave the person a empty stare as their pink eyes looked into hers.

"Drop it"

Alex grabbed her wrist "What?" She stopped once (Y/n)'s grip got tighter "Drop it!" She nodded and let go of pipe in her hand.

(Y/n) held her there for a moment and then narrowed her eyes "You're one sick bitch" Alex smiled "I may be sick but this was all part of my plan" (Y/n)'s eyes went wide as the door burst open.

She looked back to see Grell's horrifed face, William next to him "Miss (L/n). Put her down" (Y/n) let her go and watched as Alex cried. Grell ran forward and hugged her as she leaned in his embrace.

(Y/n) backed away from them. Who knew this blonde bitch actually had brains. A hand was placed on her shoulder, their cold hands gripping the spot tightly "(Y/n)... " His long nails seemed to dig into her skin "Why, I cant allow such things to happen under my supervision, now can I?"

She looked up at the Reaper "Undertaker, pl--Office" She stopped and gave him a look of disbelief "You're really siding with her...You believe her more than me!?" He had a frown on his face as he stared her down under his bangs "Office, young Lady. I won't be taking any excuses" A small smirk appeared on her face and she let out a huff.

"Wow.." (Y/n) walked past him, bumping shoulders with him on purpose "Screw you, Undertaker. You were one of my favorites" Undertaker's frown deepened at her words, looking down. Therefore, after that, she walked out. Not even caring that her shit was still there. However, being the badass that she was, she just left the school. Fuck the Principal, fuck the Teachers, fuck Alex.

'Ima go home'


A ring was made at the front door of (Y/n)'s house.

She slid down the stair railing and walked over to the door. She opened it and saw Edward holding her things. "Hey" Edward smiled at her "Hey.." An awkward silence went over them.

"I um.. You left this at school" He handed her the backpack and she nodded "Thanks, word got around huh?" He nodded and stuffed his hands in his pockets "Yeah.. Did you" He looked into her eyes "Did you really hit her? She's got hand marks on her neck" (Y/n) crossed her arms "Yeah, I choked 'er. But she tried to hit me with a pipe. Call it whatever but I just see it as a sense of protection"

Edward 'oh'd' He went to turn away and waved "Bye. See you later" (Y/n) nodded back at him "After that, I wont be surprised if I dont come back to school for the rest of the year" He chuckled and went down the steps.

Suddenly, he stopped and turned to her with squinted eyes "I was wondering if you'd.. Uh.." (Y/n) tilted her head "What?" Edward ran a hand through his har as his face turned red "I was wondering...If...If"

(Y/n) lift a brow at his sudden shyness. He suddenly bowed and screamed out with a brunring face "IFYOUWOULDLIKETOGOONADATEWITHME"

(Y/n) went down her steps and stood infront of him. He looked up and saw her smiling face "Of course, kid" She bent down and kissed his cheek from his bowed position. Edward stood straight and cupped his cheek "T-Thank you! I'll pick you up tommarow at eight!" He robotically went down the stairs and slipped on the grass. He stopped and then kept going while (Y/n) giggled at his little actions.

Edward had a wide smile on his face as he chanted in his thoughts, 'I got a date, I got a date, I got a date, I got a date'

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