Chapter 32

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Richter grit his teeth at the voice of his brother. "Why didnt you tell me (L/n)-San had produced something like this" (Y/n) glared at him "Bitch, I'm not an object"

Karlheinz chuckled "A fine specimen she is. I'm thinking of adding her to the plan, just to see how my sons react. Why are you here?" Richter gripped her wrist tighter as he stared at her neck.

"I have my reasons..."

Karl scoffed, now behind (Y/n) "Well, I hope your reasons fall into leaving. (Y/n)-San has things to do in the morning" He ripped her away from the greenette and placed her next to himself. Richter narrowed his eyes but then looked down to the (h/c).

He sighed and left in the blink of an eye. 'Must've teleported...' Karlheinz turned her to face him, a worried look on his face "Are you alright? Did he hurt you, did he..." His eyes glared at the holes in her shirt.

"Tougo-San... I'm fine, it barely hurt"

He still glared at the spot. His hands tightened on her shoulders. He then sighed "Well, when bitten around your chest area, it doesn't hurt as much or effect you as much.." (Y/n) lift a brow "Effect? Like pain" He shook his head and moved his head to her neck. Karl hesitated a bit but then he finally decided. He bit inside, making her gasp and grip his arms.

He adjusted himself and held her tighter as a small sigh came from her lips. "I feel weird..." (Y/n)'s breath pattern began to speed up as her head fell back some "W-What is th..." She hummed a moan as he continued.

As much as he wanted to keep going, Karlheinz retracted from her and licked her neck to get rid of the blood. She glanced at him "What was that?" Karl looked down at her "A Vampire Kiss..." She tilted her head "Isnt that when you eat a girl out on her period?"

He chuckled "That's one way. But, a Vampire Kiss is what effected you. Yes, most feel pain by being sucked by a Vampire but some arent. Instead, they feel aroused. That's the case as to why our prey isnt as eager to leave. They like the feeling.."

(Y/n) hummed and then her face scrunched up "Eww, Richter was the first to bite me.." Karl nodded and brought her into a hug "...I want you to stay as far away from him as possible. He's dangerous..."

"You're only sayin' that 'cause he fucked your Wife"




(Y/n) played with her nails as she sat in her Math class. These Teachers were shitty. Especially this one. Always sleeping on the job.

She looked at the Teacher and shook her head. Her (e/c) eyes then glided over to the blue-gray eyed Vampire on her left. "...Ruki..." He didn't even glance her way. "Ruks.." He still looked into his book. (Y/n) looked to her right and decided to try and bother the purplette "Reggie.."


He just nudged his glasses and continued reading. She smacked her lips and looked forward "Bookworms... Bet yall face fuck the books" Ruki sent her a strong glare "Quiet..." She rolled her eyes "Now you talk to me. Well," She went through her backpack and pulled something out "I made these cookies in Home ec and since you are an expert cook, I want you to try it"

He looked her way and narrowed his eyes "Calm down, it's not too sweet. I think..." She then thrusted it to him "That's why I want you to try it"

A 'tch' was heard on her right "Like a half blood knows anything about cooking.." She looked back at Reiji and waved the cookie in his direction "Just 'cause he's a half blood doesnt mean he cant cook" Reiji lift a brow and tuned the page "You're really sliding with him?" She nodded and looked back to Ruki "C'mon now, try it"

He sat his book down some and then went to reach it, only for it to be plucked from (Y/n)'s hand. She paled and both looked over to see Reiji looking it over before taking a small bite. He chewed for a bit before setting the cookie on her desk "I'm not one for sweets anyway" (Y/n) furrowed her brows "Bitch you ain't had to eat it then"

She then crossed her arms "And you sat it on this dirty ass desk. Just disgustin'" Ruki huffed "You would expect his kind to at least have Manners" (Y/n) chuckled "You're practically joking on yourself, Ruks" He rolled his eyes and looked to her backpack "Got anymore?" She nodded and brought out a bag, lifting it up to Ruki. Before he got one, (Y/n) glared at him "Dont just take a small ass bite and chuck it on the desk like this asshole. Actually try it. Please?"

His intimidating eyes bore into hers and he snatched a cookie from the bag. (Y/n) sat the bag down on her desk and glanced Reiji's way, catching him staring at the bag. She shook her head and brought it to his face as well "Go ahead.."

He scoffed "I'm not interested in anything cooked by you. Who knows what you've done to it" She huffed "You're one to talk"

"What was that?"


He closed his book "Also," She faced his way with a look of confusion until a smack was made on the back of her head. She rubbed the spot "Learn to refer to me as my real name. Or else, your punishment will be much worst"

"Fuck you, Reggie"

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