Practice Time!

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Y/n + Mu/n POV:

'4 AM. I got up at 4. Stinking. A. M. I'm so tired, and my bed's so warm too. Can't I just sleep for a few more minutes?'

I slowly closed my eyes again when my second alarm went off. It seemed even louder than the first time it went off too.

'*sigh*Guess not.'

I turned it off, and reluctantly got up so that I could get ready. I put on my special undershirt that I always use for both male cosplays and school, and then I put on the rest of my uniform.

After I had my uniform on I put on my wig and secured it so that it wouldn't fall off, and grabbed both my backpack and Volleyball bag.

When I walked downstairs I saw a note on the door.

Dear Y/n,

I know that you wouldn't make yourself some breakfast, so I made some for you ahead of time. Just turn on the toaster and heat up the eggs that I have in the fridge and I won't lecture you later. I will know if you didn't eat anything.



'Thanks Mom.'

I smiled, and turned on the toaster before I pulled out the eggs that were in a container with my name on it.

After I opened the container I put them in the microwave to heat up.

Lucky for me, they were done at the same time, so all I had to do was pull out the toast, and burn myself, and then place the eggs on top of the toast while walking to school.

I got there around 4:50, and now I'm waiting for Hinata and Kageyama to show up. When they did I waved to them with a bit of sweat on my face.

"You two wouldn't know how to pick a lock, would you?"

They both looked at each other with a confused look, and then looked back at me while shaking their heads.

"*sigh* Then how will we get inside? The gym's locked." Kageyama looked around while suggesting that we find a window to go in through.

Hinata got worried that we would get in trouble if we were caught, and then that's when this happened.

"Maaan, why does 5 AM in the morning have to be so stupid early? It's still dark out *yawn*"

All of us flinched, and turned around to see Tanaka walking towards us with his hands in his pants.

'He needs pants with pockets.'

When his tired face went into a serious one with a somewhat smirk/grin my skin jumped.

"We finish up before 7 AM, got it?"

He held out the key to the gymnasium on his pointer finger, and all three of us smiled and thanked him.

"So, from now on, call me Tanaka senpai."

"Tanaka senpai!!"

He laughed, and had us say it again, which we did, and then he kept laughing.

'Alright! Way to go Tanaka!'

Tanaka was the first to go through the door, and then I went. Hinata and Kageyama were blocking each other from going next for some reason though.

"I want to be the first one to walk inside!"

"Tanaka senpai and l/n already went inside!"

"Then why does it matter if I go before you?!"

Both Tanaka and I deadpanned at the scene because of how childish it was.

[Cross dresser?] Various Haikyuu!! X Reader (on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now