Nishinoya senpai!

711 26 4

Recap of what happened last chapter:

"Yeah, the inter-high qualifiers are coming up. But...It's almost time for him to be coming back. Karasuno's own guardian deity." 'Woah! That's so cool!'

"A guardian deity...?!" Hinata looked like he was imagining something super cool by the look on his face. Even Kageyama looked interested. "We still have other team members?"

"Yeah. We do." The way that Sugawara said it was almost like he was reminded of a bad memory. 'I wonder if something happened?'

Y/n + Mu/n POV:

It was the day after our practice match against Aoba Johsai, and I was working on hitting a water bottle on the other side of the net with my serves with Kageyama.

I was having a bit of trouble getting it to knock over because of how small it is. Sometimes it would just hit the side, and other times it would hit it, but it would just spin and I would have to try again.

One of Kageyama's serves was about to hit the water bottle though when Hinata ran in between the water bottle and volleyball and tried to receive it. He failed, and it landed on the other side of the railing up the stairs.

"Hinata you idiot! Runt! Scrub! Don't jump in the way!! I might've hit that if you hadn't, you moron!" 'Wow...that's a bit overly exaggerated Kageyama.'

"Did I get it? Did I get it?!"

"No, no you did not—you knocked it out of the park, scrub!!" Hinata went to go get it while I handed Kageyama the ball that I was practicing with.

When Kageyama serves it again someone had ran over again and this time the person received the ball perfectly to where the setter would be. He even got rid of all of the spin and velocity which was absolutely- 'Amazing...'

"Woah, great serve bro! Looks like we got some good rookies this year." 'He must be the guy that Daichi was talking about then! Wow! I'm guessing that he's our libero with the way that he received it.'

"Ah!! Noya-saaan!!"

"Yo, Ryu!!"

'They must be good friends then. Same class maybe? No, but possibly same year.' "Oh yeah. L/n. Kageyama. Hinata. This is Nishinoya. He's a second year." 'I called it!'

Hinata was looking at Nishinoya with what seemed like complete shock. "W-Whoah...Holy crap!! He's shorter than me?!" 'Bad Hinata, bad! That is not how you treat your senpai.'

"What did you say?!" 'See? This is exactly how I feel when this happens to me.' Tanaka was holding back Nishinoya while Hinata apologized, and then I went back to practicing on hitting the water bottle. I was pumping my fist in the air when I finally made it too!

'Alright! Did anyone see that?! Huh? No one? Really? Well, this sucks...' I started to sulk while walking over to grab the water bottle and Volleyball when Nishinoya started to talk.

"You guys are the new first years?" He pointed at us, and all of us nodded our heads. "You, the guy that did that serve earlier. What junior high did you go to?" He was pointing at Kageyama while doing the power pose. "Kitagawa Daiichi."

Nishinoya seemed surprised by that, and maybe even a little bit, excited? Maybe? "Woah! Really? No wonder you have a serve like that then! They're a real powerhouse! When I was in junior high we lost to them 2-1!"

Okay so he was excited about that, but what junior high did he go to?

Tanaka seemed surprised when he heard what Nishinoya said, and that made me even more interested if possible.

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