Alheim Part II

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    To human eyes Alheim looked like a faint beam of light resembling a tall, thin human male. In Adnachiels eyes, he was the greatest thing to ever live. Angels were forbidden to love, and destroyed for loving those of their same body. Both Alheim and Adnachiel had once been humans, thousands of years ago. They had become angels when they died, chosen by the Authority before their souls reached the land of the dead. Alheim and Adnachiel had slowly fallen in love, after the first met when they were paired as partners on patrols around The Mountain. They had kept their love secret, only meeting up in abandoned and forgotten areas of the Mountain. It was on one of those excursions that he had found the tunnel. It had obviously been left alone for years, as centuries of dust lay in its crevices. He and Adnachiel had explored further down the tunnel. There, they found a large stone blocking the end of the passageway, which they heaved aside. And, on the other side, where clouds. Fresh air. A way out of The Clouded Mountain.

Over time Alheim had grown tired of the tyranny and evil of the Mountain. He and Adnachiel had decided they were going to escape, find a way out of the mountain. Their plan was simple enough. On one of the patrols, they would create a illiouson of an enemy. Then, using their transparency to their advantage, they would slip away. It was unlikely they would be missed.

Alheim felt fear flood through his body. When he was a human he suffered from anxiety. It was the day they had arranged to slip away from the Regent, and tell Lord Arsriel about the tunnel so he could overthrow The Regent and destroy the Authority, freeing the Mulitiverse. He and Adnachiel stood on the flight platform, before grasping each other's hand and jumping into the sky. They didn't stop holding hands until the second cycle around the mountain. Alheim felt worry coiling itself around him, like a serpent slowly squeezing him to death. Sensing the worry radiating from his partner, Adnachiel took Alheims hand, and gazed into his eyes with a smile. Alheim felt the snake slowly loosen itself, replaced by a bubbling spring of happiness erupting inside of him. Adnachiel was always optimistic, kind. His smile made everyone around him forget for just a second all their troubles. But soon the feeling was over, and the serpent returned. Alheim steeled himself. He could do this. He had to. For Adnachiel. The thin angel nodded to his love. Adnachiel had been practicing magic in secret, mastering the ways of light. He waved his hand, and suddenly a helicopter appeared in the air, surrounded by magnificent red birds with giant spurs and flowing orange tail feathers, tall riders atop them holding strange weapons. Adnachiel fake screamed, and sent out a distress call. The raiding party, of course, was not there. It was an illusion of bended light. Quickly, before other angels arrived, Adnachiel and Alheim flapped their wings with all their might, heading for a mountain cave they had seen earlier. They had done it. 

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