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Today was the last day of school untill Summer brake.

The school naturally fills with excitement and joy at the last day. In fact, for the whole week everything seems brighter at school.

Jungkook hated it.

More people were throwing parties meaning more people talking and being loud and wild. It was all too much for Jungkook.

It didn't help the fact that he was going on a coach with that same school to the air port to fly to another country (so terrible far away from his game consoles) to do camping or what ever.

Not even in his nightmares would he think of doing such a thing.

Yet here he was...

He felt depressed to say the least.

"Hey!" A sudden high and ecited voice came from behind Jungkook making him jump out of his skin.

He turned around to see a familiar face along with someone he didn't quite know.

It was Jimin and some pale boy Jungkook had never seen before.

"What?"Jungkook spoke in an unintentionally blunt way.

"Hi, my name is Jimin...from your chemistry. Me and my friend Yoongi are trying to find as many people in this school who are going on the camping, we don't wanna be going a broad with around people we don't really like y'know-"

"And so he was wondering if you were going." Yoongi spoke in a monotonic tone.

"U-hum, WE were wondering." Jimin cleared his throat. Yoongi rolled his eyes.

Jungkook thought for a bit.

' you say yes, will they leave you alone? Probably not. If you say no will they leave you? Probably. But what if they find that you were lying and think that you are lier and never want to talk to you again..... Doesn't sound all that bad now that you-'

"Okay he's not answering, let's leave-"

"Y-yes." Jungkook forced out awkwardly.

"Wow....you can talk...my lord I was kinda shocked there lol. Okay cool...see you around then." Jimin said with a smile before following Yoongi who had taken a few step, ready to leave the introvert alone.

He watched as they both made their way to class as bell rang.

Jungkook sighed , dreading the next day already.

-@ home -

🎶 Baby take my hand, I want you to be my best friend, Cuz you're my iron man, and I love you 3000🎶

It was currently 8pm and Jungkook was sitting in his from room, listening to his favourite song at the moment.

Jungkook never listened to music that much. His whole life and meaning being gaming , he only ever listened to game music really.

He didn't really know what to pack in his bag and so his mum got some clothes out for him. She didn't really have much of a choice since all Jungkook wore was hoddies most of the time.

Jungkook just sat there trying to calculate how many game challenges and texts he'll miss throughout the next 6 or so weeks.

Jungkook sighed as he packed his last things into the suit case.

After he did, he decided to get an early( for him) sleep, knowing the journey ahead was going to be long as hell.

That night, was strangly the best sleep he'd had in months. It felt as if he was floating almost.


~Chapter 2~

Hope you liked this one :)

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