The forest tour began by the large lake that was next to Jungkook's cabin.

The tour guide was American but Jungkook could understand most of what he was saying. However BamBam and Yugyeom were struggling.

"This is the Lake Mateo. I haven't much information to give you accept that this is one of the lakes you will be swimming in later this summer. However it does depend on your level of swimming-" the tour guide person said.

"Jungkook, I have no clue what he's saying." BamBam whispered to Jungkook.

Jungkook sighed before hesitantly translating to him.

BamBam and Yugyeom were both shook.

"So you can speak English?" Yugyeom asked impressed.

"I can here it better than speak it. And I can't really speak it that well so-"

"Stop being modiste, dude, that's gay." BamBam joked....Jungkook rolled his eyes, not finding the joke funny at all. That's the kind of joke that a dumb 10 year old would make.

Yugyeom gave BamBam a look before clearing his throat.

"Damn I never knew the school's biggest introvert was this cool." Yugyeom commented awkardly chuckling. Pretty randomly but it did move the converstation on.

"No... I'm not that cool." Jungkook said, blushing at the compliment.

Yugyeom chuckled, for real this time , at Jungkook's response. His then seemed gaze lingering on the shorter boy who was looking away awkardly before-

"You three at the back!" The tour guide called catching their attention. "Carry on talking and I'll take point from all your team's, got it?"

Yugyeom snapped out of his staring thing, and they all nodded before the tour guide carried on walking to the next destination.

Yugyeom and BamBam then began laughing like fools.

Jungkook looked startled before putting a questioning facial expression on.

"I wonder what got up his ass." Yugyeom joked.

"Me-" BamBam said before laughing eve harder.

Jungkook just shook his head whilst walking forward so that he didn't get in trouble for the laughing.

"Yah wait up Kook-"


Taehyung stood in a line of 5 people that lead to the laundry room.

He had to collect everyone's dirty cloths which were left in a laundry bag. There wasn't much since they only stayed there for a night already but it was still a hand full.

He sighed as he waited.

'Next I have to make everyone's beds before clearing any mess from the sink in the cabin. Then I can have a rest...maybe I can asked to do some inspections of other people's cabin...yeah that'd definetly bring my team some extra points.' he thought as he waited for the line to shorten.

"Hi Taehyung." A voice said from behind him.

Taehyung turned around, not very sure why and who would be talking to him.

It was a girl named Molly from the cheerleaders in his high school. She was also Taehyung's ex of a long and painful 2 year relationship. She was a bitch long story short.

'She never goes on these type of trips so why is she here now?' Taehyung thought before rolling his eyes and answering with a "Hi."

She smiled at him.

Introvert (Taekook) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now