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                            You've chosen !

A) Ask him if he felt the sudden chest pain like you.

                    Chapter 3: The stalker.

If someone would've told me yesterday that I would be currently held captive by some sort of shady organization in a stinky warehouse, I would've laughed in their faces and thought they were crazy.

It's funny how life works sometimes, because now I was currently sharing awkward glances every five minutes in a stuffy supply closet with some enraged masked man.

The pain in my heart subdued when he stumbled further away from me, as if my touch burned him or something.


Seeing him hesitate was enough for my lips to tug up into a smirk. It didn't take me very long to recover. "I'm not quite sure if you just felt the same pain in your chest like me but I think that's a clear enough sign that you should let me go, bud." I argued, his lack of speech starting to aggravate me by the second.

I just want to talk this out so that we can quickly get this over with. I have work tomorrow and an empty bed that's waiting for my presence.

He hadn't uttered a single word the whole entire encounter, which not gonna lie— made him appear much more intimidating, his cold demeanor making me mentally cower in fear as he pushed me up against the shelf.

But now we were currently having a silent stare off, making him appear much more immature than when he first entered the room.

"Fyi, I'm going to call cops if you don't let me leave." I hummed in satisfaction, believing that I got him exactly where I wanted him.

My shoulder slightly bumped into his as I attempted to walk past him, the click of my heels amplifying as I tried to pass by, figuring he was letting me leave.

He didn't fight back this time.

Instead, the masked man stalked towards me and tightly wrapped his hand around my already sore wrist, opening the door and dragging me out of the closet.

"Hey, woah, where are you taking me?" I tugged on his jacket to make him slow down, his long strides causing me to stumble over my own feet every so often as he tugged me throughout the corridor, a few curious glances being thrown our way by different people.

Silence. That's all he gave me.

As expected.

"You could at least loosen your grip a bit, I can already practically feel a bruise forming." I muttered, a subtle pout forming on my lips as I attempted to tug my wrist away, which I obviously didn't succeed in.

Though he had on multiple layers of clothing on, I could tell he was built just by the power of his grip. I caught myself gazing at his broad form every now and then.

At some point in time, I figured putting up a fight wouldn't get me out of this hellhole anytime sooner so I decided to carry out my first initial plan: annoying my capturer to death until they willingly let me go.

Yes, that was my plan.

As he tugged me throughout the now empty hall, my eyes danced over the multiple ancient paintings that hung loosely on the wall, the interior design practically radiating vintage vibes. "God, just how old is this place? It reeks so much, I wouldn't be surprised if you told me there were decaying bodies lying helplessly around here." I tutted, my heels tattering against the wooden planks as he tugged me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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