I learned that after the best years of the earth's life will come the inevitable end. The devil will wage war against the inhabitants of the world for the last time after the thousand years are over. He is going to be free and unleash his fury with all his might. Sadly he will deceive many, again.
Those who stick with righteousness will be but a small camp compared to the armies of those swayed by evil. Unlike times before, when the evil troops surround Yahweh's people this time, Yahweh will destroy them all with fire from the sky.
Two lines of souls will stand in front of the Judge. One on the right hand and the other on the left. Each soul will be judged by what they both said and did during their short lives. This last event is known as judgment day.
I learned that every sin could be forgiven except one. That is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The examples of what they are, are found in scripture. Beware of blasphemous words against Yahweh's powerful Spirit.
After Yahweh judges those in the second resurrection, He will destroy the earth with fire. Everything will burn up, the trash, the soil, and the water. Nothing of its former self will survive the cleansing flames.
All the old filth will be removed from the earth, and anything left will perish. When it does, something new will take its place. A world specially designed to hold all the new occupants and most impressively, Yahweh. For the first time of all time, Yahweh will live amongst the earth's inhabitants. We will all share the atmosphere forever.
Yahweh will be here with us. Both He and Yahshua will explain any mystery about anything to anyone who may question. The world will be brand new, and yet not the same as its former design. Heavenly hosts will not exist. Yahweh's light will illuminate the atmosphere. The night will no longer exist. Seasons will no longer change.
Death, disease, aging, and suffering will not exist. The best part? We won't remember this nightmare of a world and all its tragedy.
The sea and its glory will be gone. A single river will flow from Yahweh's throne. That alone will be the water source for all life on the new earth. And there will be plenty of free nutritious food for everyone.
The earth will yield its food with no effort from anyone. Weeds and thorns will not exist. Everything will be edible, and everyone will be vegan; animals included.
I trust the new world will be even more remarkable. Sin corrupted this one, but if it hadn't, this world is fantastic. Between the waterfalls, mountains, islands, greenery, and deserts, this world is beautiful.
I can only imagine a world with more land than water. Words will not be able to describe it. There will be even more living as well. More people, more animals, and all the heavenly spirits.
Now my testimony is finished. You know what I learned. I wouldn't have learned any of this by attending church on Sundays. I wouldn't have learned any of these things by asking believers what the Bible says.
Of course, I wouldn't be able to understand the Bible if I hadn't asked Yahweh to show me the error of my ways. Yahweh keeps His word with me in everything.
The choice is yours, and yours alone, just like this journey is yours and yours solely. No one can live it for you, and no one can choose how it ends but you. Thank you for reading.
May this bless you in the name of Yahweh and His son Yahshua.
Heaven's message throughout time
SpiritualAll my life, I struggled with my identity in both a physical and spiritual sense. I questioned everything. As time went on, I grew restless is my confusion. Fueled by anger and resentment, I declared war against the Almighty, and I swore my loyalty...