Do You Better: Past Love

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Ok so this is a epilogue to another epilogue i wrote in book one (taekook oneshots) if you want to read this you have to read the other one-shots in the other book their called do you better

It might be a little sucky so beware this is just part one

And another thing i know I'm taking forever to update but i recently took a break because i just lost my grandma but i'm getting better i'm okay now, i'm ready to write again

So enjoy loves i purple you guys 💜

Words: 1054


I gave him two years to return back to me or I'd marry another

Now look at me picking what flavor i want my wedding cake to be

Part of me still wanted to wait,

Part of me hoped jungkook would burst through that door right now and take me away from this hell but really all of that was wishful thinking

Because the love we once shared was all in the past

"Tae are you all right" bogum smiled at me and i know your wondering how we ended back up together sometimes i wonder the same thing but we had all the same classes and i started to get lonely

"Yes i just don't know what to pick" i smiled back at him falsely

He chuckled "who said your picking we already agreed the cake would be strawberry and pistachio"

I rolled my eyes "no that was your decision i said i wanted either red velvet or marble!"

Jimin looked at the both of us "clearly both of you need couples counseling since you cant agree on shit plus your likes are way too different" he took a bite of the pistachio cake and gagged

"Ew who in their right mind would want this nasty garbage" the cook looked offended but she understood those flavors didn't really mix anyway

"Who asked you I don't even get why your still here as I recalled we're getting married not jimin, bogum, and taehyung" bogum said sassily

Jimin looked at bogum as if he was ready to beat his ass "tae get your bitch before i dismember him with this fork!"

"I'd like to see you try whore" bogum made the old jimin come out which is scary since he started taking off his earrings

Typical jimin

I hated that they couldn't get along its been like that since high school but it wasn't jimins fault bogum always had a weird vendetta towards him

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I said making them all jump "why must you constantly talk shit to jimin he's my best friend and best man so of course i would need his opinion if you dont like it then we could just end all of this shit right now with the way im feeling im starting to change my mind!"

Silence filled the room bogum didn't say anything he just got up and left to the bathroom I didn't mean to explode like that but i was tired of everything lately

"I-i need a smoke" i said next leaving to the back jimin got up as well following me

"Honey do you really wanna go through with this? You guys aren't exactly a good match"

"I dont know minnie its like im walking down this dark road with no directions then the fog comes out of nowhere and strangles me but there's a light that can save me its just when ever it comes it disappears" jimin put out my cigarette looking at me worriedly

"Ok that was dark as fuck but im going to take a wild guess" he said thinking about what i said "my guess is that your feeling this way because you possibly feel guilty for being engaged to bogum and you miss jungkook"

Of course i did if anything i was angry feeling like i wasted my years waiting when maybe he found someone else forgetting our promise or maybe he'd just rather stay where he is

"Y-yes i miss him chim and its killing me but what if he doesn't feel what i feel"

"I know i warned you in the past about my brother, jungkook changed after you he was so hurt when we drove to that damn boarding school he cried the whole drive there tae" he relit the cig taking a puff

"I know but i-it was too hard to stay away now look at us I should've listened" jimin frowned

"He even refused to talk to anyone unless it was you yet his father forbid it i know you regret it but don't because i know deep down in my heart he still loves you, that promise you both made wasn't just any ordinary promise so dont give up just yet"

My heart had the feeling of hope again for a minute i no longer felt numb hell my mind was just too stubborn for its own good not trying to trust my heart again

"Im sorry jimin marrying bogum might be one of the best things i could do for myself"

"No marrying bogum will be one of the most dumbest decisions you've ever made and im not saying this to be mean but im saying this because i love you i just don't want you to ever look back thinking what could've been"

He was right I don't really think i want to go through with this then again I didn't want to waste anymore time on a dream that wouldn't come true

I hated daydreaming anyways

"I know but im going to do this chim i have to, i just cant do it without you" he sighed i know this was selfish of me to ask but I don't even know if i could keep my sanity without him

"Fine I'll always support you no matter what keep that in mind still im not happy with what your doing"

"That's why your my bestie" i said making him chuckle

"Good now lets go get drunk before i murder your fiancé im tired of his attitude and nasty ass cake"

I laughed, jimin was right he was a buzzkill then again maybe a nice set of drinks could help me forget about the past

So off to the club we went

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