Act 3: Hestia Knife & The Orange Slice | The Blades of a God and Fruit Jesus

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Bell: Yeah...I think it was a bright clear day, Just like today." Bell thinks back to before he came to Orario.

Man: "Hey Bell come quick!" A farmer is yelling at Bell.

Bell: "They said my grandfather was attacked by a monster in the mountains and died. They said he fell into a deep valley where we couldn't go to search for him." After a few days of living alone Bell decides the he's gonna to be an adventurer. In Orario Bell is trying to join a Familia but everyone didn't want him to join.

Bell: "But I looked so weak that no Familia would accept me." Bell is in a bed crying from the words the other adventurers said to him. The next morning Bell tries to join a Familia again.

Bell: "Please let me into your Familia!" In an alleyway Bell is pushed out of a building and falls onto the ground.

Man: "Come back when you get stronger." Bell sits there until he hears a voice.

Y/N: "Hey wanna join my Familia?" Bell looks up to see Y/N holding his hand out.

Bell: "Thats when I met Y/N. He took me in his familia and introduced me to his goddess."

Y/N: "Come on Hestia he needs a Familia."

Hestia: "No I'm not allowing it! This is our love nest!"

Y/N: "Well think about it like this." Y/N grabs and holds Bell.

Y/N: "This is our love nest and he's our child."

Bell: "Ehhh!?"

Hestia: ".....No I still won't allow it!"

Y/N: "Hestia...." Y/N let's Bell go and grabs Hestia arm pulling her away from Bell.

Whispering Y/N: "Hestia please let him join."

Whispering Hestia: "Why do you want him to join!?"

Whispering Y/N: "Because he reminds me of myself. I had no one and no one wanted me to join their Familia until you came along. So I wanna be that person and I want you to be his goddess." Hestia remains silent and thinks about what Y/N said.

Hestia: "Arrah fine he can join!" Y/N jumps in joy.

Y/N: "Hear that Bell you're part of our Familia!"

Hestia: "And remember I'm your goddess!"

Bell: "After a few days Hestia became more comfortable with him living there. She even started helping me as best as she can. Y/N taught me which weapon I should use and he taught me everything about the dungeon."

Bell is looking at Hestia who's behind a bar door.

Bell: "I'm gonna buy you same time. You should run away and find Y/N."

Hestia: "What are you saying Bell!? Open this door now!" Bell turns away from her.

Bell: "Kami-sama I don't want to lose anymore family."

Hestia: Bell! Bell!"

Back at the colosseum Ganesha is sitting on his throne talking to some guards.

Ganesha: "Some monsters escaped. What about the guards?"

Guard: "They all looked like they had their souls sucked out somehow."

2nd Guard: "We think someone from the outside is responsible but...

Ganesha: "We can worry about that later! How many monster escaped?"

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