Act 4: Supporter | The Moldy Orange

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Y/N and Bell are getting ready to head into the Dungeon.

Bell: "Ready, senpai?" Y/N finishes putting on his Gambeson.

Y/N: "Yeah...." Y/N holds up his Orange Lockseed.

Y/N: "Ever since the battle against that Sliverback my lockseed has been getting worse and worse

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Y/N: "Ever since the battle against that Sliverback my lockseed has been getting worse and worse...."

Bell: "We're leaving Kami-sama!" Hestia sleepily groans a bye.

Hestia: "Bye...." Y/N and Bell leave the run-down church they call home and head towards the Dungeon.

(If video doesn't show up it's Kamen Rider Gaim opening)

Inside the Dungeon, Y/N in his Orange Arms form and is struggling to fight the weakest monsters. He blocks an attack from a Kobold but it starts pushing him back, Y/N tries his best to hold him it off.

Y/N: "Damn it! Why am I so weak!?" The Kobold pushes him to the ground biting at him.

Bell: "Senpai!" Bell quickly slices the Kobolds throat he is fighting and runs towards Y/N. Bell stabs the Kobold in the temple making it's body go lifeless and disappear. After the Kobold disappears Bell helps Y/N back on his feet.

Bell: "Are you okay, Senpai?"

Y/N: "Yeah I'm fine." Y/N closes the lockseed and removes it from his Driver.

Lock Off!

Y/N looks at his Lockseed again wondering what's wrong with it.

Y/N: "I was lucky it worked the first try...Let's head back for today Bell."

Bell: "Eh? Okay." Y/N and Bell leave the Dungeon and head towards the Guild to exchange their Magic Stones. Y/N is leaning on the desk impatiently tapping his finger on it.

Bell: "Uhhh Senpai?"

Y/N: "Ah sorry just thinking." Y/N apologizes to the receptionists. Bell notices Eina has come back from the back of the building. He walks up to her to talk as Y/N is waiting for the receptionist to retrieve his Valis. The receptionist finishes counting Y/N's Valis and puts them in a bag then hands it to him. Y/N apologizes to her again and thanks her.

Eina: "The Seventh Floor!?" This makes Y/N jump and look to his right to see Eina leaning towards Bell almost completely on top of the receptionist desk. She leans back keeping her hands on the desk.

Eina: "You almost got yourself killed on the fifth floor not that long ago!" Y/N walks up to them.

Y/N: "You can blame that on me, Eina."

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