37.) what comes next

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(Rowan Pv)

I felt lighter after crying but also hollow. Like all of the icy pain in my chest had evaporated, leaving an empty space.

I got up and washed my face. The room smelled faintly damp and cold. Where as the bedroom smelled of wood burning and whatever soap they used to clean.

I used to love the way burning wood smelled. It had reminded me of celebrations and good food. Now it just brings back bad memories. The cleaning soap reaffirmed that this place was not home.

I wanted my own soap that was made from goats milk and mint.
Even the smell of fluff goats would be more preferential. I had wanted the blanket I was carried in but it had already disappeared when we came back to the room.

I want it back.

When I heard the door open and the sound of foot steps. Is it Cerastes? Did my melt down bring him back early?

"Husband?" I called out, pulling the blanket aside to reenter the bedroom.

The man standing there was definitely not Cerastes. He seemed just as suprized to see me as I was to see him, because he dropped the dishes he had been holding. The wooden dishes clattered loudly on the floor but did not break.

The young man was dressed neatly. His build was slim. Delicate even. His clothes tailored to fit. A dark brown shirt,dark pants, and slippers.

"Are you alright?" I asked when he didnt move. Tilting my head to the side. He reminded me of a a deer the way froze in place.

His face turned from a pale to pink.

"My apologies!" The man squeaked. He bent down to pick up the dishes he had dropped. "I was not aware that the lord had brought in a companion. I will clean and go."

A companion. Is that what couples were called now. There are so many ways to say the same thing. Then I remembered the blanket.

"Would you happen to know what happened to the blanket that was left in the floor!?" I asked, while he scrambled to clean up. If he had been startled of my existence, he was petrified by my tone.

"Pardon?" He asked blankly.

"Its like big and has lots of designs on it, mostly white." I explained. Gesturing with my hands.

"Umm...I'm not sure." He replied anxiously.

"If you could ask the one that was here earlier, I'd like it back. It doesnt have to be washed it's better if it's not but were leaving tomorrow. It's very important to me. I really want it back" I reaffirmed.

"I.. I understand, I'll find it." He agreed. Nodding his head.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you... oh.. I guess i didnt ask your name. I'm sorry"

"No. No. It's fine. You dont need to apologize." He said taking a step away from me.

"I'm Rowan." I introduced myself.

"I'm C'dess." He replied.

"Well.. thank you Seadess". I replied.

The man carried the dishes to the door and looked back.

"Do you require any further assistance?" He asked, he seemed anxious to leave.

I pursed my lips and shook my head no. Then got back in to bed.

"Then I'll take my leave." He bowed his head and left the room walking backwards. The door closed firmly behind him.

It was an odd feeling to be waited on. It reminded me of being a child, people scurrying about to do chores. While I stayed in one place and tried not to get into trouble.

The fire occasionally crackled in the fireplace and my own breathing became uncomfortably loud. The places where my knees were scratched felt unusually warm.

The faster I go to sleep the sooner I can wake up, i thought. Cerastes will be back when i wake up.

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