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     I tied my shoe while I had my apple in my mouth I sit on the bench waiting for Mer to finish getting ready "Maybe she'll be on 'look but don't touch, patrol, too. At least I'd have some company." Izzie says "Whatever she gets, I hope it's bad, really bad." Alex says "She made a mistake. We all-" Mer says "Mistake? She was gonna let Burke, Burke with the shakey hand operate on my father." George says I see Cristina walk-in "Could you stop looking at me like that? It's creepy, and it makes me feel like you haven't been fed." Cristina says while George still looked at her, and she opens her locker. George walks by us and leaves with Alex and Izzie. "How's it going?" Mer asks "How's what going?" Cristina asks "You and Burke, we wanna know if you're okay," I say, she sighs "We're existing in total silence." she says "He's not talking to you?" Mer asks "I'm not talking to him either." Cristina corrects her "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Mer asks "Stop asking me that." Cristina says "We trying to make an effort here, meeting us halfway would be nice." I say "Well please don't," Cristina says getting her white coat. I see Bailey and I stand up grabbing my writing pad "Rounds started 30 seconds ago." Bailey says and I run out the door.

     "Dr. Bailey, can I have Shepherd and Grey?" Addison asked "You can have 'em all" Bailey says "Something you needed, Dr. Montgomery?" Mer asks "This is none of my business, but I just thought you might want to be warned." Addison said I looked at her confused "I'm sorry. I don't know-" Mer says not understanding what Addison is talking about "Your sister Molly's just been admitted for an emergency c-section." Addison said, "Molly's not my sister." Mer says "Okay, but technically, she is, you have the same father. And, uh, Susan-" Addison says smiling "Susan Grey is definitely not my mother. I appreciate you're trying to be nice and everything, but I really don't even need to know this, so," Meredith says, I see Addison look behind us "Actually you do." Addison says clearing her throat and giving her a signal to look behind her. Mer and I turn around "Hello, Meredith." the lady says smiling. 


     "Your father's not here. Thatcher's at Harvard Med visiting Lexie. We thought we had a lot of time. I mean, Molly's only 36 weeks, and Dr. Montgomery's been trying to stop the contractions, but I guess the baby is ready to come out." Susan said I give Susan a smile and I turn to see Mer not wanting to be here. Mer looks at Addison "Well, do you need anything else or-" Mer asks "You can go back with Dr. Bailey or you can stay" Addison said, "I'll do it, I'll stay." Mer said "Are you sure" Addison asked "Yeah, I'm fine" Mer says "Okay" Addison says "It'll be so nice to have a familiar face in the operating room. Thank you for being here." Susan tells Mer "It's my job to be here, so" Mer says smiling, I look at Addison and she gives me a light smile "Uh, does Molly know who I am?" Mer asks "She doesn't. I wanted to tell her, but your father, he just" Susan said "No it's, it's better. It's better that she not know. It's good" Mer says. "So I think, uh, Molly should be ready in the O.R. Susan, you'll need scrubs and a cap." Addison says "I'm about to be a grandmother." Susan says happily "Yes, in about a half an hour, you will be a grandmother." Addison says "Oh my, okay. Here we go" Susan says. As Addison and Susan walk together "Are you sure you can do this?" I ask Mer "Yes, I can," she says "Okay, well she seems nice, talks a bit much, but she's nice," I say Mer looks at me "Sorry" I mutter walking with her.

     While Addison was doing the C-section Mer and I was on one side of her "How you doing there, Molly?" Addison asked "Okay. I'm just excited to see my girl." Molly says "Well you're gonna get to take a look at her in just a couple minutes" Addison says "Dr. Shepherd, can you give me a little more traction, please?" Addison asked I nod and open the tractor a bit more, I look at the monitor "Vital are holding steady" I inform Addison "Can you see her yet?" Molly asked Susan chuckles "No. I'm not gonna look until the blood's all gone" she says "You want to cut the cord Dr. Grey?" Addison asked Meredith picks up the scissors and cuts it  "The warmer is ready when you need it," the lady behind us said, Addison carried out the baby. I noticed it wasn't breathing I see Addison trying to clear an airway through its nose "Dr. Shepherd, Dr. Grey can you follow me? Dr. Knox, will you close for me, please?" Addison says. "Bad valve mask." Addison says, and lays the baby down "We have to stabilize this baby and get it into surgery.".

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