Chapter 21

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I held her weak, fragile body in my arms. Every single inch of her was bruised. I couldn't believe what happened to her. They finally called us up to the front desk, and quickly took Christina inside. They did not allow me since she was practically wearing nothing and the bruises were pretty serious.

I felt a slow sudden urge of torture for Colton.

"Kendall, you're shaking." Kim pointed out, she walked over to me and sat me down in a chair nearby. "Relax."

"I can't calm down. She's hurt. Because of him. I let him near her. I let him have her." My hands curled up into fists.

"Ken, not now. Not here." Kim comforted me. "Christina wouldn't want you to cause a scene."

"I want him dead. I want to kill him." I broke down and cried, "I can't stand all this guilt."

The emergency door slid open, Kevin and Kenneth walked inside. Kevin looked down at me, and patted my back.

"She'll be alright."

"Thanks for calling me." I stood up and hugged my brother.

"I just thought you should know what was going on."

"Kendall Schmidt?" A nurse walked up to me, I turned to her.

"How is she?"

"She seems to be having some allergic reaction to something she drank, do you know anything about this?"

"No, No i don't.", My heart raced. "I need to see her."

"Mr.Schmidt, you can't see her right now were trying to get the substance out of her."

"No, please i'm begging you!"

"It's not safe, and it's not a good scene either. We would like you to stay here." And with that she walked away.

"Kenneth, cover me." I said.

"For what?!"

"Just cover for me."

"Whatever you're thinking of, its a stupid idea, now sit your ass down before you get thrown in jail for disobeying orders." Kevin threatened.

"Kendall Francis Schmidt!" We heard a small whiny voice come from the entrance. Emily stomped her way around the room and I found my chance to run.

I ran into the supply closet and found extra change of surgeon clothes. I walked back out,hiding from them.

"Where's Kendall?" Emily nearly screamed at Kevin,

"What makes you think Kendall is here?"

"The phone tracker says he is here." She showed him her cellphone. She tracked me down?!

"Could you people please quiet down." the nurse distracted them. and ran inside the doors of the hallway, before they closed down on me.

Slowly walking down the bright hallway I looked in every room to find her. I'll do whatever it takes to help her. I just couldn't stay there in the waiting room while they took their time on her.

Finally I found the room, and walked in. They had her pretty much tied on the hospital bed as she shook occasionally.

"Ah there he is." The doctor turned to me.

"Needed help?" I managed to say, not even daring to breathe after the sight of her.

"She has some sort of thing that was supposed to make her sleep. Her friends said, it was something about her boyfriend. Obviously some type of abuse going on here."

I slowly took deep breaths to calm me down. The other man turned to me, obviously another doctor.

"We can't stop her from moving. It's affecting her too much." Christina shook more

"Can't you take it out already?!" I screamed.

"We could but we need help, we can't hold her down, and controlling her oxygen, ." The doctor rolled his eyes.His head nodding in the direction of a bunch of machines.

"B-But.. I."

"Do it now! We don't have much time left!" He said as the heart monitor slowed down, until it stopped.

"NO!" I screamed.

The Lonely // Kendall Schmidt Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now