chapter 2

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Y/n's POV-

As I walked through the door I look around the shop to find it empty. "Hello, is anyone here?"

I wait a minute, before I heard muffled movements from the back and then someone shouted "Be with you in a second."

A minute later a man with a strong built, short hair, and a bandana rapped around his head came out dusting off his coat. "Hellooo..." he let out as he we made eye contact. Now I won't sugar coat things, I know I'm pretty good looking so I wasn't flustered or uneasy by his stair.

"Hmmm," I coughed interrupting his stair. "Hi my name is y/n, do you work here?" I asked.

The man shook his head and cleared his throat "Umm, y-yes my name is Hercules Mulligan, how can I help you miss y/n?"

"Oh, I ripped my dress and I was hoping you could fix it" I stated. "Ahh, yes I see may I?" he asked pointing to my dress. I nodded as he walked around me examining my dress.

"Wow, what happened, you look like you just barely survived a ship wreck," he chuckled. I looked at him and chuckled back "Because I did." He starred at me blankly and then worriedly questioned "Oh my god your not joking, are you alright miss?"

"Please call me y/n mister Mulligan and yes I'm fine," I said.

"Very well y/n, but if we are going to drop the formalities, then please call me Hercules." He then walked behind the counter looking through a drawer as he stated, "As for your dress I don't think there's much I could it's pretty torn up, but your welcome to pick out a new one of your liking. I just need to take your measurements."

"Oh, as nice as that sounds I lost basically everything in the wreck, including any form of currency I had left," I state as I look down with a sigh.

"Free of charge."

"What," I ask not quite sure I heard him right.

"Free of charge," he bluntly stated.

"Hercules, while I appreciate the offer-"

"I insist," he said cutting me off.

I was hesitant at first but didn't push him. He then told me to follow him to the back as he took my measurements. Once he finished he showed me a section that held my size. I finally decided on a f/c dress and went back into the back to change.

Hercules POV-

As y/n went sighed deep in thought, 'there's something different about that girl, but I can't place my finger on it.' My thought were interrupted however by the sound of the front door opening.

As I look up I see my best friends John Laurens and Lafayette walk in and smile when we made eye contact. "Hey Herc," John greeted while Lafayette waved.

"Hey guys," I greeted back. "You ready to go mon amie?" Laf asked in his rich French accent. "Yeah, just a minute I got a customer changing in the back," I said. And like clockwork y/n walk out of the changing in the dress she pick out looking drop dead gorgeous, and I can tell the guys think so to.

John's POV-

As me and Laf walked into Herc's store, we greeted him ready to walk over to bar for a couple of drinks and to discuss the revolution, when a beautiful girl walked out of the changing room.

She look to Herc and did a little twirl asking how she looked. But before Herc could respond someone beat him to it, "Quite beautiful mademoiselle, and may I be so, how you say fortunate as to know your name." Laf said as he took the girls hand and kissed it. Damn Frenchman.

She politely stated " well of course monsieur, my name is y/n and who may you be?" she ask in a mocked French accent. This seemed to excite Laf as he practically jumped at sound of someone else speaking french "Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, but you can call me Lafayette," he stayed.

"Nice to meet you Lafayette, and who might you be freckles?" she asked directing her attention to me as I blushed slightly at the nickname.

"J-John Laurens," I say as I kiss her hand never loosing eye contact.

Y/n's POV-

As the freckle faced man or John I should say kissed my hand I turned back around to Hercules and said "Thank you again Hercules, how can I ever repay you?"

"Your friendship is thanks enough, in fact me and the guys are just about to head out to get some drinks would you care to join us?" Herc asked.

"Oh I don't want to interrupt or anything," I said.

"No you should come, we'd like to get to know you," John said as Lafayette nodded. "Alright if you guys insist." And with that we walked out of Herc's shop and to the local bar.

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