Chapter 1

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"Hello darling"
My fiancé greeted me when I entered the door to our tiny apartment. I smiled at his handsome face and walked up to him, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He picked me up and twirled me around, deepening our kiss.
"Hey" I finally answered as we parted. His dark brown eyes were now bright with excitement and his strong, muscular arms squeezed my waist before setting me down.
"How was your hike?"
He asked as he turned around to continue his cooking. He was making eggs- or at least trying to make eggs. They were sticking to the pan and he attacked them viciously with his spatula until they looked more scrambled than sunny side up. I laughed at his annoyed expression.
"It was wonderful. I found the most extraordinary view. I was able to get a few good pictures."
I didn't mention the necklace. For some reason I couldn't quite bring myself to speak of it, as if I should keep it a secret or something...
"That's good."
He answered distractedly, still busy on destroying his poor eggs. I shook my head at his useless effort and watched him struggle for a while, amused. David was one of the best looking men I knew. He looked adorable in my apron, searching around frantically for the button to turn off the fire that had now completely burnt the eggs. We had met in India, both wanting to get away and explore the world. We were going to the same college which offered a few classes in English, and our passion for writing was what brought us together. It also helped that we were both the only Americans, well, american speaking students there. He proposed to me on our 3rd date and I said yes. What could I say, he had a smile that could bring a girl head over heels. He was a nice guy and I was pretty sure I was in love with him, so we moved in together after a week. It had been a month now since the proposal.
I looked down at my small diamond ring and smiled at the memory. I snapped out of it when I smelled the eggs burning even more. I finally came for his rescue and took the spatula from him.
"Here, why don't I cook dinner and you can study for the exam tomorrow?"
He sighed in relief and kissed me briefly on the lips.
"Thanks, you're a life saver. And might I add that you look as beautiful as ever, my dear." He grinned at me as he took of the apron and handed it to me. I looked at my reflection in the window and laughed at his fake complement. My dirty blonde hair was all over the place, dirt covered my face and clothes, and my jeans were ripped to pieces from falling so often. I drastically needed a shower. I laughed again and punched him in the arm.
"Get out of here you idiot!" I said before turning to the sink to wash my filthy hands. I made dinner and we ate fast, both anxious to get back to studying. Later that night, after I'd taken a shower and changed into my tiny silk dress pajama, I decided to open up my bag and look at my found treasure. David was getting ready for bed in the bathroom so I took it out and gasped. It was glowing again, and as I picked it up farther I felt a soft wind caress my neck and pull the necklace towards me. I shivered but decided to put it on, following the direction of the breeze. The glow of the green stone suddenly became the brightest thing in the room and all the other lights immediately went out. I felt this sudden power surge inside me painfully and I fell to the bed, quickly exhausted. I heard a faint voice calling my name before I finally blacked out.

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