26. a kiss scene

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♥︎  liked by arabellaw, daisywoods, ellisparker, olivia

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♥︎ liked by arabellaw, daisywoods, ellisparker, olivia.rodrigo, joshuatbassett and 15,811 others

daniellewoods ━ guess who's back? back again


daisywoods ━ dani's back tell a friend
daisywoods ━ but she has none so that's impossible
daniellewoods ━ i hate you ❤️

arielsantiago ━ THE GLOW 🤤✨
❪ liked by daniellewoods

olivia.rodrigo ━ i missed you!!! can it be monday already so i can hug u 😭😭
daniellewoods ━ i missed you more 🥰

arabellaw ━ how does one become this beautiful?
daniellewoods ━ pls 🥺🥺

cameronsanders ━ missed you dumbass
daniellewoods ━ thats the nicest thing you've ever said to me 🥺

julialester ━ queen ✨🥰
❪ liked by daniellewoods

sofiawylie ━ gimme a kith 🥺👉👈
daniellewoods ━ 🥺😚

joshuatbassett ━ ❤️
❪ liked by daniellewoods



Danielle and her family arrived back from their trip to London. It was nice for the girls to see their family and all their old friends they had to leave behind. Things had been so hectic in Dani's life recently. She had moved to a different country which was already such a big deal for her, but then she decided to go to an audition, just to see what would happen. She never expected to get a part in the show, let alone a main character. Once again, Danielle's life was turned upside down which was why it was nice to take some time off to go back.

Shortly after arriving home, Danielle received her script for the last episode. There was only a few weeks of shooting left and most of the show had already been shot, the last episode was the last one that needed to be filmed. The reason that it had taken so long to get the script was because the writers had decided to change it. While shooting the other scenes, they noticed the chemistry between Danielle's and Joshua's characters. After debating it for a while, they made a decision.

"Oh, my God..." Danielle muttered, reading through the last few pages of the script. Daisy was sat across the room from her while Arabella, who had stopped by once she had gotten her script and knew Danielle was home, sat beside her. Both girls looked to Danielle, confused. Arabella noticed Dani had gotten further into the script than she had, so she quickly skipped ahead to see what she had read. An excited squeal left Arabella's lips as she read through the scene that Dani had been looking at.

"What? What is it?" Daisy asked, standing up and walking closer to the other girls. She sat down beside her sister, peering over her shoulder to read the script. Her eyes widened as a laugh escaped her lips. "That's amazing!" Daisy added, falling back against the sofa.

"You and Josh have a kiss scene!" Arabella cheered, smiling brightly at the girl. She shook her shoulders slightly, trying to get a smile out of her best friend, but when she didn't, she started to get nervous. "Why aren't you excited? You get to kiss Josh again." Arabella laughed.

Danielle shrugged her shoulders, closing the script and throwing it onto the glass coffee table in front of her. Daisy sat up, looking to Arabella with a confused expression. She didn't understand why Dani was acting like this. It wasn't like it was the first time they were going to kiss.

"Do you not want to kiss him again?" Daisy asked, genuinely curious to know the answer. She knew Dani liked Josh and he liked her so she didn't get what the big deal was.

"No. Yes. No. I don't know." Danielle mumbled, folding her arms over her chest. The truth was, things had been awkward between the two ever since they kissed at Dani's birthday party. Up until then, things had been great, but after they shared a kiss and Dani left for London, it had been different.

Danielle had messaged Josh while she was gone and they had even face-timed a couple of times towards the start of her trip. But by the end, he would take hours to reply and when he did, it would be a dry, one word text that Dani had no way of replying to. She was starting to think maybe she had done something wrong. Was she being too clingy? Did he not mean it in the way she thought he did? Or was he having second thought about them? Did he not like her like that anymore?

With them being so far away from each other, Danielle couldn't just go and visit to ask him what was up. She couldn't even text him because he wouldn't reply and if she tried to call, he'd tell her he was busy and that he'd call later, which he never did. It was beyond frustrating for the girl, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. She was just hoping when they met back up on set for filming the next Monday, he'd be back to his old self. Or they could at least talk about what that kiss meant for their relationship.


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i will be continuing this book as there will only be a few chapters left anyways. i love my characters so i wanna do them justice, but i have lost a lot of inspiration for this book.
i will complete this story though and i hope you enjoy :)

 i will complete this story though and i hope you enjoy :)

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