29. method acting

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♥︎  liked by arabellaw, daisywoods, ellisparker, olivia

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♥︎ liked by arabellaw, daisywoods, ellisparker, olivia.rodrigo, joshuatbassett and 14,256 others

daniellewoods ━ crazy that tomorrow is the last day of shooting 🥺 this has been a dream come true and i'm so thankful to all of these people for making this experience amazing. i love you wildcats


arabellaw ━ i love you all
❪ liked by daniellewoods

mattcornett ━ family 😌
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larrysaperstien ━ ❤️
❪ liked by daniellewoods

daisywoods ━ dani & josh 🥰
daniellewoods ━ 👉🚪

sofiawylie ━ this is everything
❪ liked by daniellewoods

julialester ━ catch me crying
daniellewoods ━ same 🥺

olivia.rodrigo ━ my fave people ❤️
❪ liked by daniellewoods

frankiearodriguez ━ this made me smile
❪ liked by daniellewoods


♥︎  liked by arabellaw, daniellewoods, ellisparker, olivia

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♥︎ liked by arabellaw, daniellewoods, ellisparker, olivia.rodrigo, joshuatbassett and 9,138 others

julialester ━ gonna miss listening to josh talk about dani all day 🥰 love you guys! see you tomorrow for our last day 😭
tagged: joshuatbassett


arabellaw ━ THIS !!!!

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