30. that's a wrap

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                                Danielle would be straight up lying if she said Josh hadn't been on her mind almost the whole day. No matter how hard she tried to forget about the boy and enjoy her last day on set, she kept finding herself thinking about his cheesy smile or his perfect curls. It was driving her insane, especially as she couldn't just talk to him.

Cameron's words kept replaying in her mind as well. The night before, he had told her to confront Josh if he didn't talk to her first. Dani was hoping he'd make the first move, but she couldn't wait that long for him to decided he was ready. She needed to speak to him to clear her mind before they shot their final scene.

Olivia and Matt were currently shooting their last scene so it was quiet on set. Dani wandered around, looking for Josh amongst the cast and crew. She made sure to stay quiet to not disrupt the shoot in progress. Danielle almost gave up her search, but spotted Josh at the last second. He was stood against a wall in the corner of the room, his eyes fixed onto his phone screen that he held in his hand.

Dani squeezed past a few crew members, making her way towards the boy. As if he could sense her presence, Josh lifted his head to look at her. A small smile crept onto his features as he watched the girl approach him. There was no way for him to back out now. He had to finally speak to the girl he had been avoiding for the past few weeks.

Josh took a deep breath as Dani stopped in front of him. She wore a half smile as she looked at him with pleading eyes. She hoped there was a reasonable explanation for why he was acting like this, but she wasn't sure she'd ever truly know why.

"Hey, Dani." Josh said, sliding his phone into his pocket so she had his full attention. Dani didn't respond at first. What was she supposed to say? Hi? "Everything okay?" Josh asked, noticing Dani looking around uncomfortably.

"Okay?" Dani scoffed. "I don't know, is it? Why have you been avoiding me?" She asked, focusing her attention back on him.

"I- uh I-" Josh stumbled, trying to find an answer to her question. He thought about denying it, but he knew it wouldn't work. He had been avoiding her, but it wasn't for the reason she thought. The truth was, Josh really liked her. He liked her a lot more than he'd ever liked anyone before and it scared him. He didn't realise that both him and Dani had been having the same thoughts. And just like Dani, he was wondering if she felt the same or if he had gotten the wrong idea about their relationship.

There had been many moments after they shared a kiss that Josh contemplated finally asking Dani to be his girlfriend. But Josh never did. Instead, while she was away, he let his mind get the better of him and he had managed to convince himself that Dani didn't like him like that. Josh knew there was only a few weeks of filming left so his plan was to wait until after they finished filming to talk to Danielle. He didn't want to be rejected by her while they still had scenes left to film. The thought of having to film romantic scenes with the girl who broke his heart wasn't something he wanted to put himself, or Dani, through. That was the only reason he had been avoiding her. But to Dani, it was because he didn't like her anymore.

"Dani, I-" Josh began to speak but was cut off as one of the crew yelled 'cut'. Olivia and Matt had finished their scene and it was now time for Josh and Danielle to film theirs.

"Can we get Ricky and Violet by the lockers, please?" The director called out, grabbing both of their attentions. Dani sighed, turning away from Josh and walking towards the lockers where they were getting set up to film the scene. Josh followed behind her and the two got into position. Danielle looked out at the crew and noticed Arabella was stood behind the camera, watching them. She shot Dani a smile, trying to reassure her it would be fine. Dani returned it before facing Josh, ready to say the lines she had been practicing.

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