The Power To Do Great Things

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Back at school you sluggishly grab some books from your locker before heading to class and just as you shut the door you notice Flash's face hanging around it

Flash: Hey uh, Y/N, can we talk?

You let out a sigh before beginning to walk to class as he follows behind

Y/N: Not today, Thompson...

Flash: Look I'm so-

With both hands, you grab him by his neck off of the ground slamming him into some lockers, soon after he starts coughing in your grip whilst trying to say something to you


Flash: "Cough"... I'm "coughs" about your uncle... I'm sorry... I get it...

You let him go as he falls to the ground coughing well grabbing at his throat and trying to breathe as you walk away students look confused, someone taps you on the shoulder though

Harry: Y/N?

You walk over and hug him

Y/N: My uncle man... He's gone... He's just gone...

Harry: I know, I know, it'll be okay, I'm here for you brother

Y/N: He... he died in my hands, Harry...

He let's go of you

Y/N: I... don't know what to do anymore...

Harry: You'll get through this... You'll beat it, man

Y/N: You know I couldn't even sleep last night... Aunt May was... Man, she was uhh crying all night, and I couldn't do anything about it

Harry: I didn't know it was that bad... You gotta be strong for her, Y/N... She needs you more than ever, heck you need each other more than ever

Y/N: Yeah... I know, it's just...

Harry: What? What is it?

Y/N: I don't think I'm ready yet...

Harry: You don't gotta be, things are difficult right now

Y/N: I just don't know what to do anymore man... Nothing makes any sense now

Harry: You're gonna figure, bro... I'm here for you

Y/N: Thanks, Harr

Harry: No problem...

Y/N: I hope the teachers give me some leeway after missing so much class

Harry: They better... Hey, uhh by the way that girl Gwen was asking about you

Y/N: Huh, she was? I mean she was?!

Harry: Yeah, I guess she wasn't the only one concerned about you...

Y/N: She is kinda cute... But is it even fair? Right after Ben... Left?

Harry: Maybe it'll be good for you... Get your mind off of things, just forget about MJ for a while

Y/N: Yeah, you're probably right... After that argument, I don't know how things are gonna go... I mean she was right I was being a total spaz

Harry: Just let it go for now...

Y/N: Yeah, well I ought to head to class

Harry: Of course, I'll ya later

He fists bumps you before walking away, you walk away and see MJ around the corner

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