>:) To Rayray: Up the Butt

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This chapter is mainly to get Rayray back. We are on the phone and I wanna get her back for something. Enjoy >:).
To be continued...........

Lave: *opens door* Hello?

Rayray, Nathan, and Eminem: *in a hole*

Lave: *hears moaning* *stops in the top of the hole*

Nathan and Eminem: THIS IS SO GREAT! *both up Rayray's butt*

Rayray: DON'T STOP!

Slim Shady: *burst through the door* BELIEVING! *starts to fuck Rayray from the front* I JUST FUCKED YOUR MOM!

Lave: *eye is twitching* What..... what.... WHAT IN THE ENTIRE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?!

Rayray, Nathan, Eminem, and Slim Shady: *stops and stares at Lave*

Lave: O_o

Rayray, Nathan, Eminem, and Slim Shady: *goes back to fucking*
To be continued......
You don't have to be realy quiet to hear my screams while Rayray brutally murders me after reading this. WISH ME LUCK!

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