Chapter 16

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Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

"Children! It is dinner time!"

A 7-year-old girl called Lillie and her 9-year-old brother approached the dining table.

Two butlers came over to them and place napkins on their expensive clothing to ensure nothing is split on them.

"Before it arrives, let us pray and thank our lord." Lillie's mother suggested.

Lillie, her mom, and her brother lowered their heads and closed their eyes.

"Repeat after me, Thank you, dear lord, thy mighty Arceus."

"Thank you, dear lord, thy mighty Arceus." Both Lillie and her brother said in sync.

"For blessing us with the food you have bestowed, to ensure hunger is but a mere myth."

Again, Lillie and her brother repeated what their mother had said.

"Though within past times, life had been hard and broken."

Once more, they repeated the verses.

"But if we have a family, we can never be hurt."

"Amen." The mother finished off.


Three butlers from before arrived with multiple plates.

Two were placed down in front of Lillie's brother.

Two were also placed down in front of her mother as well.

But Lillie barely got half a plate full.

She stared down at the food that her mother had instructed to be made.

They were having a lasagne with a side of bread rolls, a salad, and shallow fried onion rings.

"Eat up my precious babies. We don't want it to get cold!" Lillie's mother announced.

Her Brother and Mother ate away as a normal family would do.

But Lillie was looking down at the half empty plate she had been given by the butler.

She felt her stomach growling, knowing she needed to eat soon.

Lillie did so.

Despite having the least amount of food, she finished last.

Heading to bed, Lillie was struggling to get to sleep as the hunger did not help.

"So hungry..." the 7-year old moaned.

"Rawr..." A loud moan could be heard underneath her.

Lillie feared the dark still.

Ever since her father died, her fear of it had gotten worse.

"Lillie?" a voice called out.

Lillie rolled around to find her mother, who was in a white lacey nightgown standing in her doorway.

"Can't sleep?" she asked.

Lillie shook her head in agreement.

"Scared of the dark..."

Lillie's mother smirk.

"Do you want mummy to stay with you?" she asked once more.

Lillie shuffled over as her mother hopped into bed with her.

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