| 1 | Don't Look

16 3 2

I see ghosts.

Cool, right? Not a chance. 

Imagine seeing someone who either has unfinished business, or was murdered (or they killed themselves) roaming around, trying to get someone's attention. Hoping someone would see them. 

I learned fast that most ghosts are mean. 

Always yelling for help and then when no one hears them, they get violent. They push people, throw drink, lock doors, move things. Rarely can they actually physically harm you. 

Sure, that drink you had on the table may spill all over your dress on date night, which isn't fun but it's better then what those ghost were trying to do. 

Like make that glass cup fall on your head, hopefully cutting you up pretty badly.

Or when you trip down those stairs, catch yourself and possibly embarrass yourself in front of your friends when actually that ghost wanted you to fall down three flights of stairs and break your neck.

Lovely people right? But can you blame them? They are dead

The ones with unfinished business aren't that bad. They try to find what it is that keeps them here and finish it. Some of the people who were murdered and worse, don't always realize they are dead. They slowly go mad. Some ghosts remember their past... others don't.

This is my life. Watching these people go mad, or cry or wander around with a blank look in their eyes. 

It's depressing. 

But I don't let that get me down. My goal in life is to be normal. Completely normal. 

No, I don't see ghosts! Are you high? 

I have a foolproof plan to avoid. 2 rules. Simplicity at it's best. 

1. Don't look at then

2. Don't help them, because you can't help them.

Clearly my plan wasn't as foolproof as I thought. 

I didn't account for one stubborn ghost to make me slip up and alert him to the fact I could see him. 

This is what this story is about. Not how I see ghosts or how I manage my life. 

It's about how this boy tricked me and ruined my life.

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