Back on the tour bus

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"Baby I cant take it any longer. I want you here next to me. Cuddling me. Kissing me. Making out with me.." He winks as you laugh at your phone screen. "Me too." You smiled through your tears. "Even making out?!?" He said with a look with disbelief. "Um, Duh." You say sarcastically. "HE WANTS YOU TO HAVE HIS BABIES" Calum yelled and Michaels face flushed. He looked like a tomato. "Oh god." You say laughing, "Is this true?"
He stays silent. "Maaaybe?"

"One day..." you say as you almost drifted off to sleep. And once he sees you've fallen asleep, he whispers, "Can't wait... I love you, Y/N..."

A/N: Sorry this ones SUPER short, I'll be continuing later or possibly later xx thanks for almost 100 reads omfg how did this even happen. See ya later, loves <3

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