Part 2

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*Ding dong*

"Just go Mew! Leave me alone," Gulf shouted without bothering to open the door. He knows Mew will come tonight, that young man just too stubborn.

"Come on Gulf baby, open the door, I bought a lot of food for us."

"I already eat!"

"Really, don't you pity me baby? I spent a lot for tonight so that I can accompany you and heal your broken heart. Open this door please~" Mew won't back down.

Gulf sighed, he knows Mew won't give up. Slowly he gets up, and opens the door for Mew. He glared at Mew who's smiling sweetly at him.

" Hi baby."

Gulf made a disgusting sound while walking back inside his room.

Mew chuckled, he went inside and put all the food that he bought on the table. Gulf glared at him, " I told you, I don't want to dine with you. Why can't you understand Mew?"

Mew's action comes to halt. He looked at Gulf sadly, "Am I too bad Gulf?"

Gulf blinked his eyes, he suddenly felt bad towards Mew. He is not that bad even though sometimes he is annoying.

"Errr.. I'm sorry Mew," he apologised, "You are not bad. I just feel frustrated tonight. I'm sorry for what I said," he held Mew's hand.

Mew heave a heavy sigh, he can never win against Gulf. He is his weakness. He can't stay angry at him, once Gulf says sorry, he will forgive him immediately," Okay, let's eat Gulf," Mew tried to smile.

Gulf took a seat in front of Mew and started to dig in while taking a glance at Mew. He knew Mew felt sad for what he said just now. Mew just kept silent throughout their dinner unlike their usual meal where Mew is the one who keeps on talking.

"Mew~ Are you angry?" asked Gulf, trying to ease the tense atmosphere.

Mew looked up from his food, he shook his head, "No, Gulf. Why?"

I just felt sad, thought Mew.

"Nothing, you suddenly looked down, the food is not good? You want to try my food? It tastes good," Gulf tried to feed Mew but frowned when Mew pushed his hand. Mew would never have done that before, he's going to be happy if Gulf did something like that before.

" No thanks, I am okay with my food."

Gulf suddenly felt sad, he is not used to this,being rejected. Sure Lisa always reject him, but when Mew did, it fucking hurt him. Maybe this is what Mew always feels.

"🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶" Gulf glanced at his phone, it's Lisa. He doesn't want to pick her call right now. He doesn't want to make the situation get worse.

"Gulf, your phone is ringing."

"I don't want to answer it. I want to eat," Gulf kept on eating, ignored his phone.

"Lisa is calling you Gulf," Mew felt weird, Gulf always answered Lisa's call.

"You answer it then," Gulf passed his phone to Mew.

"If I answer it, you're going to regret it Gulf."

Gulf raised his eyebrows, challenging Mew to answer the phone.

Mew snatched the phone and answered the call, "Hello."

"Hello, Gulfieee~" Lisa sounds drunk.

"Lisa? Are you okay?"

"Mew? Ohhhh.. You are with my Gulf?"

Yeah, your Gulf.

"Hmm, why are you calling? We are having dinner now."

"I want my Gulfiee~~" Lisa suddenly sobbing.

Mew passed the phone to Gulf, "She said she wants you. She sounded drunk."

"Hmmm?" Gulf took the phone, "Hello,Lisa? Are you okay?"

"Gulfiee~~~ come and get me here... help me please~~~"

"Where are you?" Gulf stood up and grabbed his key, leaving his unfinished food.

Mew followed Gulf's action with his eyes.

"Wait for me, i will go there," Gulf said before ending the call. He looked at Mew.

"Mew, I need to go see Lisa first okay. I will come back later."

Mew just nodded his head to Gulf.


After Gulf 's gone, Mew heaved a sigh.

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