3 • TAGGED !

10 1 4

ok so because this is a misc book and whatever i decided to do a tag !¡

so i think it's literally just called the 30 questions tag so like here we gooooo

1. what is the meaning behind your name?
there literally is no meaning to my username ahah i was like messing around one day with my cousin and we were like teehee let's play minecraft and i was like what should i name my world and we came up with 'fillie my ass' and now it's sort of a weird joke between us 😤🤩

2. what's your biggest weakness?
ummm idk i'm very pessimistic and i also like need reassurance from like my friends cause i'm always so paranoid that they actually hate me lmao 💁🏼‍♀️

3. biggest strength?
i like to think i'm quite generous and nice idk
i'm a good listener and i've been told i give good hugs 🤠

4. do you have any piercings?
just one in each ear
but i wanna get my seconds done and maybe my cartilage as well 👂

5. favourite band?
i don't really have one idk

6. last dream you had?
it was this really weird one where ashley graham came into my house and was like "bitch i need to give birth" so i was like okay you do whatever girlie

7. any phobias?
arachnophobia kinda
and claustrophobia

8. what's your favourite movie?
completely unironically xoxoxox
lmao jk
after is my favourite movie to make fun of though oopsies sorry wattpad studios 🤭🤭

9. what's your hair colour?
it's like light brown kinda
it used to be like really blonde when i was small but yeah now it's brown

10. who's your favourite model?
i don't really keep up with modeling stuff but gigi & bella hadid seem pretty chill idk 🤷‍♀️

11. favourite flower?
sunflowers ! 🌻

12. cats or dogs?
i do love cats as well though

13. favourite holiday?
i went on holiday to america once and it was fun
we like went to disney world and stuff

14. last thing you ate?
uhhhh cereal?

15. what's your lucky number?

16. what's your name?
wouldn't you like to know 🤭🤭

17. piercings you want?
oops i answered this in that other question
seconds & cartilage
maybe a nose piercing but i think it would look bad on me ahaha

18. what's your idea of a perfect date?
idk probably like something casual but like not too casual
like not something super formal
idk i don't really think about it much ahaha

19. 5 things you hate?
1 - spiders
2 - small spaces
3 - elevators
4 - butterflies & moths
5 - this hoe
JKJKJK LY teehee

20. 5 things you love?
1 - food
2 - funny shit
3 - horror movies
4 - my friendssss xxx
5 - sour sweets

21. random fact?
i went through a phase last summer of doing this kinda thing constantly —> 🤙
not a good time ahahah

22. favourite item of jewellery?
i love necklaces!! any like minimalistic sort of necklace
i also love rings & earrings ahah

23. favourite body feature?
ummm idk my eyes are kinda nice i guess?

24. tattoos you want?
not sure what exactly, but i want one on my ankle
a small one

25. favourite blogs?
don't really know any ahah

26. what do you love about yourself?
i'm good at giving advice

27. what do you hate about yourself?
a lot of things lmaoo

28. favourite book?
not sure

29. sweet or salty popcorn?
definitely salty

30. someone you miss?
all my friends over quarantine xx

omfg that was so much effort i never want to do a tag again that took me so long ew

hope you enjoyed ahahaha


shhbabyboi        @coolness69420     @1-800-SIMPING

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