A warm mattress

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The sky had become pink, tinged with purple, by the time Negan had pulled his truck up into the large Sanctuary lot.

He had left Blake's place a little over an hour ago, a heart-wrenching pain coursing through him the entire journey home.

Shit. He had missed her more than he could say, and seeing her for those few hours, rather than sate his longing for the blonde woman, had in fact only made the pain of leaving her feel far worse.

Negan gave a sigh, running a tanned hand down his face for a moment, before his eyes drifted over to Mia, who was sleeping, buckled into the seat next to him.

Her little head was flopped down onto her own shoulder and her mouth was hanging open. Obviously the excitement of today, and seeing Blake again, had been all too exhausting for the toddler.

Negan got out of the truck (leaving Lucille in the footwell, where she had stayed the entirety of his visit to Blake's too) moving easily around to the passenger door and tugging it open.

The rain had long since stopped leaving the ground sodden and wet beneath his booted feet.

He reached inside to unbuckle Mia, just as he glanced up to see Arat approaching.

"Hey....Negan," she murmured, a hint of warm concern there amongst the formality.

But Negan merely remained quiet, his focus on easing the snoozing toddler from her seat without waking her.

Mia at once gave a small grizzled whine, as Negan hauled her up into his arms with ease.

"Thata' girl, shhh," he hummed lowly, his hand moving up to Mia's tiny back, feeling her head instantly drop to his leather-clad shoulder as she resumed her sleep.

And it was only then, that Negan turned to Arat, shutting the truck's door steadily behind him trying not to wake the sleeping baby..

"Did you see her? I-Is she ok?" Arat said speaking again in a quiet voice. And of course Negan knew who she was referring to, his chest restricting almost instantly at the mere mention of her.

"Peaches' is good," he nodded, his eyes drifting to the ground, as he pressed his lips together.

Goddamnit. He wanted nothing more now than to turn that damn truck around and go out to see her again.

But he stopped, his mind lingering on this thought.

Fuck, he had enough gas, so why didn't he just grow some fucking balls and do it? He was the leader of this god forsaken place and didn't need to answer to anyone. So what was really stopping him?

Negan blinked a couple of times, his heart beginning to pound within his chest.

This was impulsive and probably fucking stupid, but right at this very second he was passed caring.

He looked up at Arat suddenly, giving a small distant frown.

"Can you take sleepin' beauty here up to Frankie an' the girls for the night?" he said, carefully easing Mia into Arat's arms before she could protest.

"I...uh...yeah...sure..but where-" Arat began, but Negan with a grin dancing its way over his lips, merely ignored the curly haired woman once more, moving around to the driver's side of the truck and sliding back into the seat.

For where he was going surely didn't need any explanation...

Blake had taken her time to tidy what little mess Mia had made of the living room, before drawing all of the drapes and a lighting a couple of candles as night well and truly set in.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now