Chapter 3: A Electric Encounter

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When we left off, BaconHairNoob953 met Team Rocket, and on his way out of there, he will meet someone of group of people who he will remember, and hate.

That day, BaconHairNoob953 was walking through a forest, hoping to find civilization. He started to get hungry, 'man... I hope they have a resturant in some kind of city somewhere.' He thought to himself. But then he remembered something, 'oh yeah! I forgot i had a can of spaghetti on me!' He thought. He reached into his back pack and pulled out a can of spaghetti and opened it, got out a pkastic fork, and ate away.

About two minutes later, BaconHairNoob953 was about to finish his spaghetti, until he felt a slight tug on his lettuce (cause hes a burger) he looked over to his right and saw a little yellow mouse with a lightning bolt like tail. "Pika! Pika!" It said, "Hey there little guy! Is there something you need?" BaconHairNoob953 asked the little mouse. It pointed to his almost finished spaghetti. BaconHairNoob953 understood now, "Ooh! You must want some spaghetti dont you?". The little yellow mouse nodded, "Ok then!" BaconHairNoob953 scooped up the last of his spaghetti with his fork, and gave it to the little guy. The mouse took the plastic fork with spaghetti on it, and ate the spaghetti. After that it wanted more, "Im sorry little guy, but that was the last of my spaghetti you just ate." BaconHairNoob953 told the little mouse. When the mouse heard that it became angry, "Pika! Pikachu!" It said in anger. The mouse began charging electricity, BaconHairNoob953 was confused, "Uh... What are you doi-" but before he could finish what he was saying, hw was shocked by the yellow mouse! "AAAAAAAH!" He screamed in pain. When the shock was finished, he was burnt, and the cheese on his skin was melted. With a shock to the entire body, he was left powerless. (END CHAPTER)

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