More Questions Than Answers

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Chapter 53

Eva cringed when she heard Taka's body fall. She didn't need to turn around to know the boy was dead, and she didn't want to. Even if part of her was relieved that he would no longer be out there somewhere plotting her death, she still felt conflicted that he was gone.

She was thankful when Adrian put an arm around her shoulders and started to lead her back toward the rise. "We need to get you away from here. I don't imagine the smell will help you recover any faster."

Eva agreed wholeheartedly, but she still pulled away from him. She then turned to face her father. Many of the men were still staring at the angel, but he ignored them all as he stepped closer. "He is correct. You could become ill with your blood loss and the miasma." He then gestured to the rise. "We can speak up there."

She then looked around at all the injured men. There were more standing than she expected, but it was still a woefully small number. Unfortunately, she knew she was in no shape to heal them. Not anymore. She finally gave her father a nod and allowed Adrian to help her up the side of the valley.

They had not made it all the way before she paused and looked over at him. "How is it that you seem to be at nearly full strength again?"

Adrian grimaced but didn't look away. He was hesitant as he answered. "It is because you are what saved me. Had your blood not coated my injuries, I might not be standing. The knife didn't hit my heart, so it is possible I could have survived, but I would have been down for a long time."

It was Eva's turn to grimace. Yes, she had tried to give him her blood, but she would have rathered it not happen the way it did. Thankfully, they were to the rise, and she could let it drop. She still had far too many questions to dwell on it for long anyway.

She turned to see that Sypha and Trevor were the only ones to have followed them up. The rest of the men were still down in the valley, presumably looking for downed comrades. Eva had to repress another wave of nausea now that the danger was past. She tried to ignore it as she turned to face her father.

Now that she had the time, and he was there, her tongue could not seem to form words. It was several seconds before she could figure out what she wanted to ask first. "Why are you here now?" She then paused, and her brow scrunched as something else occurred to her. "Wait, did you come from the future too?"

He moved forward and looked as though he were going to put a hand on her arm. Eva jerked back with a frown. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't know you. I don't even know your name. You were never there for me. Just because you are my father, doesn't give you the right to act like you-" She had to cut herself off the keep the sound of tears from escaping.

She was aware she had pent up anger, and she was being unfair. Especially since the man in front of her was an angel for crying out loud. She still couldn't bring herself to greet him with open arms.

The angel let his hand fall and stepped back again. Though his voice did not show it if he were hurt by her rejection. "You may call me what you wish. My name is not important."

Eva held up a hand and cut him off. She had to take a few deep breaths before she could look him in the eye. "Maybe for any other human, but if what you have said is true, then I am flesh of your flesh. I, at least, deserve to know your name."

He gave her an unreadable look and didn't answer right away. Finally, he nodded. "I will speak it for your ears only. Later. For now, it is sufficient for you to call me Avigdor."

Eva tried to look into his eyes to see if there was more. Unfortunately, he was impossible to read. Although she shouldn't have been shocked. He wasn't human, after all. She finally gave him a nod. "Fine, Avigdor, tell me why you are here now. Why weren't you there-" She desperately wanted to ask him about her mother, but could not force the words past her lips.

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