To my best friend

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This one is for my bestie Tuba


When I first saw you
I see a girl full of dreams, passion and awesomeness.

You speak like a boss but as we grew out friendship I realised how sweet you are.

You are everyone's crush and I'm lucky to be one of them.

Time we spent together is short but the memory we create is lifelong.

From failing plans to the turn them into greatest plans we built up our friendship.
Then, suddenly you gone.... even so there's more to it.

This distance bring us closer than ever and we built much stronger bond and that is because of the never ending spark in our friendship

Even this distance cannot separate us from each other.

From your soul to your nature everything is beautiful and im so grateful to have you love.

Thank you sooooo muchhhh for everything and once again happy birthday.

~your dear friend

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