Chapter 8 "Will We be Okay?"

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Marinette's POV: After What happened, I was so worried about Marc, I kept running after Him and kept yelling out his name but He didn't listen and He kept running and He was running to the forest and I chased after Him but I trip and I fell and I looked at Up and I saw Marc running further and further away from Me and I struggled to stand up but then I felt something and Something or Someone lift Me up and I looked up and I saw Luka.
"Marinette" Said Luka and He hugged Me tightly and I hugged Him back and I saw Nathaniel next to Luka "Nate" I Said and I hugged Him and Nathaniel hugged Me back and I saw Nathaniel looked worried. "We saw what happened, Are you okay?" Asked Nathaniel "Yeah I'm fine but Marc...He ran away" I Said and Both Luka and Nathaniel looked shocked "He what?" Asked Luka "Where is he?" Asked Nathaniel "He ran to the forest" I Said "Okay" Said Nathaniel and He started running to the forest and Me and Luka followed Nathaniel. Once We went into the forest, Me and Luka looked around and I didn't see Marc or Nathaniel and I started to get worried "Where are you Marc and Nathaniel?" I Asked and Me and Luka kept looking around but then I heard something like thunder? "Uh oh, Looks like It's going to rain soon" Said Luka but it started to rain heavy and I looked at Him "More like now..." I Said and I looked down but while I did, I didn't felt the rain and I looked up and I saw a Jacket was cover My head and I saw Luka was covering Me and Himself and He smiled at Me "Don't worry, We'll fine Them" Said Luka "Thank you Luka but...How?" I Asked but- "Marinette!" Said a child's voice and I turned around and I saw Anne and Ava and They were both soak because of the rain. "Anne, Ava, What are you doing here? Are you both Alright?" I Asked "We came to make Sure that You, Luka, Nathaniel and Marcie were Alright, My Dad is really Mad both Him and Your Father found out that Luka and Nathaniel are here and They both wanted to punish you" Said Anne and I was so shocked "I'm so so sorry that I got you and Nathaniel in trouble and This is all My fault" Said Anne and I saw a tear came down Her face "Oh Anne, It's Okay This isn't your fault, You just wanted to help" I Said "When We go back, Im gonna tell the truth to Dad and I'll take every punished that He'll give Me and He will understand, I promise" Said Anne and I looked down "I...don't think that Me and Marc are going back..." I Said "Why?" Asked Ava and Luka looked at Anne "Anne, Can I ask you something? And this question is gonna be a weird one" Said Luka "Do you know how to track?" Asked Luka "Track?" I Asked "Yeah, My Mommy and Alya taught Me how to track since I was 3 years old and I am very good at it" Said Anne "That's great" Said Luka "Can you tell Us which way did Both Nathaniel and Marc went?" Asked Luka and Anne looked around. "Found Them" Said Anne "Found What?" I Asked "I found both Nathaniel and Marc's tracks, You can't see them but I can and also Marc is smallest one in the group and I can see his small tracks" Said Anne and I hugged Her "You are a genius, Anne" I Said "Come on, Let's go" I Said and We were about followed the tracks but- "Girl!" Said a familiar voice and I turned around and I saw Alya and My whole class was running to Me. "Girl, You okay? We saw what happened?" Asked Alya "Yeah, I'm fine, I need to find Marc and Nathaniel but We know Where They are" I Said "Can We come too? Because Nathaniel is My friend and I am not dropping Him" Said Alix "Okay, You can all come" I Said and They all smiled and I looked at Anne "Okay, Anne show Us the way" I Said and Anne nodded her head and She followed the tracks and We all followed Her.

Anne's POV: While I was following the tracks, I noticed behind Me that Sabrina was in the group also and I looked at Her "Sabrina?" I Asked "Yes?" Asked Sabrina "Why are you here, Aren't you supposed to be with Cholé?" I Asked "Well Cholé had something to do and She didn't want Me to go with Her, So I wanted to come with You guys" Said Sabrina "Woah, That is nice?" Asked Alya "And Also Cholé dropped her hair clip on the ground and She didn't wanted it, So if you want Anne, You can have it" Said Sabrina and She gave the hair clip to Me "Oh...Thank you" I Said and Sabrina smiled and I put the hair clip in My hair and I saw a yellow soft of  glow and it circled around Me and I stopped walking and I saw a little Bee.

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