Chapter 38 "Am I truly home?"

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Marinette's POV: I looked around and I didn't see Master Fu and I was getting a little worried, So I looked for Luka and I saw Luka was playing with Crew and Luka was rising Crew up in the air and I heard Crew giggling and Luka smiled and I also smiled and I walked over to Me "I feel like I'm flying!" Said Crew and I smiled and I looked at Luka "Luka, I can't find Master Fu" I whispered and Luka looked at Me "Maybe He is sleeping right now" Said Luka "I hope He is okay and I kinda wanna talk to Him in private" I Said "Do You want Me to take everyone back to the cave while You talk to Master Fu?" Asked Luka and I have an idea "I have a better idea" I Said and I walked over to Nathaniel "Hey Nate, Sorry for bothering You but Can You take everyone back to the cave While Me and Luka check on Master Fu?" I Asked "Alright" Said Nathaniel and He stand up. "I'll do it" Said Anne and She looked at everybody "Alright Everyone, I need all of You to come with Me please" Said Anne but Everyone just looked at Her and Anne rolled Her eyes "There are free Fruits, Where I am taking You!" Said Anne and I saw everyone was walking out of the Castle and Anne winked at Me and She closed the door and It was just Me, Luka, Crew and Speedy inside of The Castle and Luka looked at Me "Master Fu might be in His room" Said Luka "Come on" Said Luka and He was walking upstairs and Both Me, Speedy and Crew followed Him, Once We got upstairs, Me, Luka, Speedy and Crew, Luka found Master Fu's room and We walked in "Master Fu?" I Asked and I saw Master Fu was sleeping on His sleep and Me, Luka, Speedy and Crew slowly walked over to Him and I gently shake Master Fu "Master? Master Fu?" I Whisper and I saw Master Fu's Eyes open slowly "M-Marinette?" Asked Master Fu and I smiled "Yes Master, It's Me" I Said and I looked at Crew "Crew, Can You please go to the living room for a bit with Speedy because Me, Luka and Master Fu wanna talk in private, Okay?" I Asked "Okay Mommy- I mean Marinette" Said Crew and I started to blush a little "Come on Speedy, Let's play" Said Crew and Both Crew and Speedy walked out of the room and Both Me and Luka looked at Master Fu "Wasn't that cute, Mama-Marinette" Said Luka and I giggled a little "Yeah, It sure was" I Said and I saw Master Fu was smiling "Let Me guess, Is Crew Your Son, Luka and Marinette?" Asked Master Fu and WHAT?! "W-What, C-Crew is O-Our Son???! Y-Yes I mean N-No, No! I mean Maybe, I mean-" I Said but then Luka kissed Me on My lips and I kissed Him back and Luka giggled "Don't know, But He is a pretty cute kid, Am I right?" Asked Luka "Y-Yeah, He is" I Said and Master Fu smiled and He sits up "So? How it go?" Asked Master Fu "We did it Master, We won, The Kingdoms are safe now" I Said and Master Fu smiled "I'm so proud of You two and The team, All of You are really the chosen ones and Heros and I know, In the future You and Luka and The rest of The Team will be great" Said Master Fu "Thank You, Master Fu for everything, For Training Us and Teaching Us" Said Luka and Master Fu smiled "It was an honor" Said Master Fu "Well You don't need Me anymore, But whenever You need help, You can come to Me" Said Master Fu and Both Me and Luka smiled "Thank You so much, Master" I Said and We both smiled "We better get going" I Said and- "By the way, You two" Said Master Fu "Yes Master?" I Asked "In the future, You two will be great parents, Once You have kids of Your own" Said Master Fu and Master Fu winked at Us and Luka giggled and I started to blushed hard "We'll just have to see and find out" Said Luka and Luka hold My hand and I smiled at Him "Bye Master Fu" I Said "and Thank You for everything" Said Luka "You are very welcome" Said Master Fu and Luka closed the door and He looked at Me "What a big Destiny We have" Said Luka and I giggled "Yup, It sure had" I Said and We both walked downstairs and We saw Crew was playing with Speedy and Speedy was licking Crew's face and Crew was laughing "You two look like You are having Fun" Said Luka "Yeah" Said Crew and He sit up but He looked at Me "Marinette..." Said Crew "Yeah Crew?" I Asked "I'm really sorry for calling You 'Mommy' I-" Said Crew but- "No It's Okay Crew, I-I don't mind at all" I Said and I sighs "How about We go back to the cave, Okay?" I Asked "Okay!" Said Crew and He smiled and He ran outside "Wait Crew, You have to wait for Us!" I Said and I started to run After Crew and I saw Luka was also running too but He was giggling too.

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