Chapter 35 "Win a war with fire?!"

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Marinette's POV: We all managed to take out most of The Knights but there were still more and I saw Luka, Marc and Anne "Marc, You okay?" I Asked and I hugged Him "Yeah, I'm fine" Said Marc and He hugged Me back "That's a relief" I Said and Marc smiled "Marc, You okay" Said Nathaniel and He hugged Marc tighty "Where are those Kings?" Asked Luka "I don't know, They must've ran away or something" I Said and I saw Luka's hand turn into a fist but I put My hand on His shoulder "It's gonna be okay, We'll get Them" I Said and Luka smiled but then I saw a lighting bolt hit a Tree and The Tree was on Fire and The Fire was spreading to The Castle "Oh No!" I Said and I saw Both Kagami and Adrien jumped down next to Me "What happen?!" I Asked and Adrien scratch the back of his next "Is it safe to tell You that it was Kagami's Fault?" Asked Adrien "Wow, Some nice Boyfriend, I have" Said Kagami and She leaped away "I only panicked for a second, You would do the same thing" Said Adrien and He followed Kagami and I looked at Marc, Nathaniel and Luka "I send Speedy to track Both King Sharp and King Scar down" Said Luka "Okay, Just one question" I Said "What is it?" Asked Luka "Where's Anne?" I Asked and We all grunted "I'll gave You 4 words, Track. The. Kings. Down" I Said and Then I saw The others "Hey Girl, We managed to take down almost all of Knights and-" Said Alya and She looked at around and Alya looked at Me "Where's Anne?" Asked Alya "She went to track Both Kings down" I Said "Well Somebody has to go After Her" Said Adrien and We all looked at Him and Adrien rolled His eyes "Fine, I'll go After Anne" Said Adrien and Adrien started to run but then Adrien came back "Which way did They go?" Asked Adrien and Luka pointed the direction where Both Anne and Speedy went and Adrien followed that Direction and- "Hey, There They are!" Said A Guy's Voice and I saw 8 Knights are running towards Us and They started to attack.

Adrien's POV: I was running around to trying to find Anne and Speedy but I didn't find Them "Where did They go?" I Asked Myself and I kept searching for Them.

Anne's POV: I followed Speedy and He was running and I was following Speedy and I was also looking for Both King Sharp and King Scar but I couldn't see Them but While I was looking around, I heard lighting and I saw The Lighting's Light was shining on Something and I looked closer and I saw Both King Sharp and King Scar and They were about to leave The Balcony and Was about to go inside of The Castle But I saw Speedy was running after Them and I did The same. I ran as fast as I could but then Both Me and Speedy was blocked by 6 Knights and Jeezs How many Knights Does These Kings have?? I started to pounce on Them and Tackle Them to the ground and I saw Speedy just bite The Knight's leg and All 6 Knights were on The ground and I picked Up Speedy and I patted Him on the head "Good boy, Speedy" I Said and Speedy bark and I was about to put Speedy down But I Saw the fire was spreading around Where I was at and They Fire was getting closer to Me and Speedy and I got scared and I hugged Speedy tightly.

Marinette's POV: Me and The Others took care of Those Knights and Luka was leading Us, Where Adrien, Anne and Speedy went but While We were running, I saw Smoke?! "Is that Smoke?!" I Asked and- "Guys, I found Them, They are surrounded by The fire" Said Adrien and He left and Alya looked at Me "We better hurry before Both Your Dog and Anne becomes Hotdogs" Said Alya "I don't want My Sister and Speedy to be Hotdogs" Said Marc "They're gonna get cooked" Said Nathaniel "If We don't get it in Time" Said Kagami "Don't worry, Adrian can save Both Anne and Speedy" Said Alix and I hope, He can.

Anne's POV: The fire was getting closer to Me and Speedy and There no where else to go and I felt a tear came down My face "We're gonna get cooked" I Said and I shut My eyes closed and I hugged Speedy tightly but then I felt a hand on My arm and Somehow, I was getting further away from The fire and I was in the air and I realized that Adrien holding Me and We both landed somewhere else but We were still on The Castle's roof "Are You okay?" Asked Adrien and I looked at Adrien and I felt tears came down My face and I hugged Adrien "W-What's wrong?" Asked Adrien "I-I'm sorry" I Said and Adrien hugged Me back "It's Okay" Said Adrien "I got You" Said Adrien.

Adrien's POV: I turned My head and I looked at The fire and it already covered the spot that Both Anne and Speedy was on and Thank goodness that I save Them both just in Time. I looked down on Anne and I feel really bad for Her because She has to deal with this big problem but I know It's gonna end Today, I put Both of My hands on Anne's shoulders and I smiled "Hey, You were brave back there" I Said and Anne looked at Me and She stilled had tears down Her face "You saw?" Asked Anne "Sure did, I've never heard of a 4 years old girl that took out 6 Knights before, I don't think when I am 4 years old, I'll won't be brave enough for that" I Said "And Like what Master Fu said 'The first ever 4 years old girl that is a Miraculous holder' " I Said and Anne smiled "Thanks Adrien" Said Anne and I smiled at Her and I wipe Her tears away and Anne smiled. "Adrien!" Said A familiar Voice and Both Me and Anne turned around and I saw The whole Team was running to Us and I saw Marc hugged Anne and Kagami hugged Me and I smiled "Are You Alright?" Asked Kagami "Yeah, I'm fine, We are fine" I Said "I'm really sorry Guys" Said Anne "Aw, It's Okay, You want to get Both King Sharp and King Scar, We all do" Said Luka "But We have to do this together, Alright Guys?" Asked Marinette and We all smiled at Her "Right, We can do this together" Said Anne and We all looked  at the direction that Both King Sharp and King Scar went and We are ready to end This.

End of Chapter 35

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