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Nobody's POV:
Dr. Bright was on his knees as he was still crying until he stopped, he stands up and he runs back to the other SCP's containments. Dr. Bright was going to do something crazy even everyone in the foundation will not forgive him, what he did too. He was going to release all of the SCPs from their containments.

"I'm sorry.... But, cannot lose a friend from the Scarlet King!" Dr. Bright said as he pressed the button of SCP's containment doors and they were free. SCP-173, SCP-049, SCP-682, SCP-999, SCP-035, SCP-939, SCP-079, SCP-106 and SCP-096 came out of their containments.

"Here goes nothing..." Dr. Bright said to himself as he press the button for the speaker to speak. "To every SCPs in the foundation! I need your help! Y/N is in danger! The Scarlet King has her his hands now! Go to SCP-2317's containment! And please, save her! I know all of you care for her even falling for her too! So, please! Save, Y/N! I will keep them busy so you, guys save Y/N!" Dr. Bright said as he left the room.

Every SCPs were shocked and angry at the Scarlet King, they went to SCP-2317's containment to save Y/N from him before it be's too late.

Your's POV:
I slowly wake up from the darkness and I found myself, I was chained up still. I looked around to escape from the chains until I saw the Scarlet King and he was smiling evilly at me as I was trying not to be scared of him.

"I see my prisoner is awake... How was your sleep, Y/N... Was it horrible?" Scarlet King said as he was chuckled. "What do you want from me, Scarlet King.... I have nothing for you to escape your prison" I said as I was glaring at him. Then the Scarlet King started to laugh evilly as I got scared even more of him.

"I should tell you about something, you didn't know for along time, Y/N..." Scarlet King said as I was confused of him. "What are you talking about?! What should I-" I said but I was cut off by the wooden door was broken down by SCP-682?! Even, other SCPs were here to save too.

"Scarlet King! I'm going to kill you!" SCP-682 said in anger tone to him. "Well, I like to see you try.... 682" Scarlet King said as he was ready to fight them, every SCPs were ready to fight him too. Be careful you, guys.

SCP Foundation x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now