Chapter 21

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Ariana POV:
I woke up the next morning feeling so sick . I got out the bed and ran to the bathroom throwing up after I got done I cleaned up and took a shower brush my teeth did my hair and put on this

 I got out the bed and ran to the bathroom throwing up after I got done I cleaned up and took a shower brush my teeth did my hair and put on this

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I grabbed my phone and bag and went downstairs I cooked a omelet and started walking to school. As I was walking a car was driving beside me I started walking really fast then they window let down . It was Justin ." Come on" Justin said " I rather walk" I said "Ariana don't be like that just get in " Justin said I got in the car. " are you mad at me" Justin said " you told me to break up with my boyfriend who treats me better than you ever will" I said " Ariana please you are pregnant I don't wanna give up on us " Justin said " well I gave up on us when you broke up with me " I said looking at my phone I got a text from Mac
Mac: hey baby wya?

        Ariana: almost there

" ariAna I'm sorry " Justin said then we pulled up to the school. I got out the car and went to my locker . " hey baby" MAC said kissing my cheek " hey " I said grabbing my notebook " so how did it go " Mac said " it was good he wasn't mad or anything " I said " well I'm glad that worked out listen I wanted to take you on a date tonight " Mac said " awww where we going " I said " somewhere fancy make sure to dress up" Mac said " okay " I said then he walked away I went to class and did my work after class I went to lunch and sat down a girl came and sat beside me " hi I'm Gabby " she said " I'm Ariana you must be new here " I said " yes this is my first day " Gabby said " well nice to meet you I can be your friend " I said " okay so who's that boy over there" Gabby said " oh that's Justin my ex " I said " oh I like him he's cute " Gabby said " well you should go talk to him but be careful " I said " okay can I get your number we can hang out sometime " Gabby said " sure" I said i gave her my phone and she put her number in she walked away . I got up and went to my locker when I got a call. " hello " I said " Ariana" mom said " hey mom is everything okay " I said " Ari your dad is in the hospital " mom said " wait what why" I said " I'm coming to get you from school " mom said " okay " I said then I hung up . I grabbed my purse and waited outside. Justin came up to me " you need a ride " Justin said " no my mom is coming " I said " why you leaving so soon" Justin said " my dad in the hospital I don't know why yet he treats me like shit I don't know why I care if he's okay or not " I said " you care because that's your dad no matter how bad he treats you he still your father " Justin said " I guess" I said " can we talk please" Justin said " about what " I said " Mac " Justin said then my mom pulled up " I have to go " I said I got in the car with my mom she drove to the hospital." Mom what's wrong with him" I said " Ariana your dad has been sick for a very long time he has cancer " mom said " wait why wouldn't he tell me " I said " because he didn't want you to worry but now you have to he's getting worse you are gonna stay with me for a couple of weeks" mom said " but why I can't stay with Lexi " I said " because you need a parent especially with this pregnancy you need your mother I know I haven't always been here but I'm here now " mom said " okay " I said we went to the hospital room. I looked at him he looked terrible " Ariana" dad said " daddy are you dying" I said " I'm going to be okay Ari " dad said " I'm sorry I been so bad and not listening it's just you haven't been there and when you was you was being a jerk to me " I said " it's okay" dad said then I got a text on my phone .
Mac: Babyyyy I'm coming to get you at 8

Ariana : okay but I'm at the hospital

Mac: why is everything okay

Ariana : my dads here

Mac: well I can cancel our date

Ariana: no don't do that I'll be ready

Mac: okay

" Ariana come on let's go" mom said then we left the hospital " I'm going on a date tonight " I said " awww well I need you to be home by 11" mom said " you staying at the house tonight " I said " yes " mom said we got to the house and I went and got ready I took another shower did my hair and put on this

" Ariana come on let's go" mom said then we left the hospital " I'm going on a date tonight " I said " awww well I need you to be home by 11" mom said " you staying at the house tonight " I said " yes " mom said we got to the house and I went and ...

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" Ariana you got a visitor " mom said " okay " I said I looked at the clock and it was 7:04 he couldn't be here that early . I walked downstairs and I seen Justin. I grabbed his hand and took him upstairs " you look nice " Justin said " what do you want I have a date " I said " Ari he's not right for you he gonna hurt you " Justin said " no he's not you hurt me " I said " Ari I had a good reason and I'm okay now I wanna be with you and help you with our baby just let me " Justin said " I can't  do this " I said " I love you and I know you love me too just say it please " Justin said " Justin " I said he put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him " tell me you love me if you don't love me tell me that and I'll walk away " Justin said " I can't do this " I said " tell me " Justin said " Justin I don't love you " I said " okay " Justin said he took his hands off of me and walked away. I started crying because I know I love him I really do but Mac treats me so good. My mom walked in my room. " you okay " mom said sitting next to me " no I love Justin I want to be with him but Mac treats me so good and I don't wanna hurt him " I said " well go with what your heart tells you sometimes you have to make some tough decisions " mom said " that's why you gave me to dad " I said " yes because I knew I wasn't going to stop using drugs at first but then I met Adam and he helped me changed and I wanted to be there for my little girl because you need me " mom said " I know I can't go on this date tonight " I said  my mom walked out the room I grabbed my phone and texted Mac.

Ariana: I'm sorry Mac but I can't go on this date tonight

           Mac: it's okay I understand maybe another night

Ariana: okay I'm going to sleep

            Mac: goodnight baby

Ariana : goodnight

I went and changed clothes and I got into my bed I grabbed my MacBook and watched Riverdale until I fell asleep

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