Chapter 12

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Tuesday October 23:
Ariana POV:
So I woke up to my alarm and I got out my bed and went and took a shower , brush my teeth , did my hair and makeup and I put on this

Tuesday October 23:Ariana POV: So I woke up to my alarm and I got out my bed and went and took a shower , brush my teeth , did my hair and makeup and I put on this

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Then I took my phone off the charger and went downstairs.
" morning Ari" Layla said
" morning " I said grabbing my bag
" you not hungry " Kayla said
" no" I said
" you can't drive to school" Layla said
" but I can walk" I said opening the door.
I went outside and closed the door and walked to school.
I went inside the school and I went to my locker.
" hey baby" Justin said kissing my cheek
" hey"  I said
" are you still sore" Justin said
" no not anymore" I said
" ok so you still wanna go on a date with me right" Justin said
" yea" I said
" hey Ariana " Za said pushing me
" Za don't push my girl" Justin said
" oh your girl ... so y'all a thing now " Za said
" yes " I said
" well have fun with your love life Justin " Za said walking away
" well I should get to class " I said closing my locker
" ok see you" Justin said
Then I walked to class. I went in and I sat down.
" so today class we are going to be talking bout something that maybe make some of you feel weird... we are talking bout first time having sex... so do anyone want to come up here and tell when they first had sex" teacher said
No body raised their hand.
" Ariana have you had sex yet" teacher said
" probably not" Maddison said laughing
" Maddison be quiet so have you " teacher said
" I have actually " I. said
" ok when " teacher said
" this might be funny but yesterday I did " I said
" ok and how did it feel" teacher said
" well it was my first time so I kinda felt weird but I was ready for it" I said
" ok did you use a condom" teacher said
" yes" I said
" that is good" teacher said
Then after class I went up to my locker and Liz came up to me.
" Ariana you had sex yesterday and you didn't tell me" Liz said
" I'm sorry I didn't tell you " I said getting my books out my locker and closing it
" who did you do it with ... Nathan" Liz said
" no " I said looking at her
" then who" Liz said
"Justin" I said
" wow I can't believe it " Liz said
" yea but I was nervous at first but I'm good now " I said
" so tell me what happened " Liz said
" well we basically had sex but we stopped because I was crying and sore" I said
" damn but let's go to lunch" Liz
Then we walked to lunch.
I saw Justin and the other boys at a lunch table talking. Justin looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him.
Me and Liz sat at our usual table.
My phone buzz and I had a text from Justin.
Justin🤤: meet me at my car after lunch

Ariana❤️: ok
Then I ate lunch and I got up and threw my plate away and I went and I met Justin at his car.
" get in" Justin said
Then I got in his car.
Justin started driving.
" where are we going" I said
" just wait " Justin said
Through the whole car ride we were silent until we pulled up at this Cabin.
We got out and we went up to the door and Justin unlocked it and we went in. It was so beautiful.
" wow who cabin is this" I said
" it's mine but you can come here if you want " Justin said
"This is beautiful " I said
" just like you " Justin said grabbing me by the waist he pulled me closer to him and we kissed we ended up making out. Justin sat down and I got in his lap. Justin put his hands on my butt and squeeze it making me moan a little bit. I put my hands in Justin hair making him groan a little bit. Justin started pulling up my shirt. He took my shirt off. Then he took his shirt off. We were still kissing. He licked my lip asking for entrance and I accepted it. We started playing with each other tongue. I got off of Justin lap pulling away from the kiss. I grabbed Justin hand and we went to this bed. I laid down and Justin got on top of me he kissed me and went to my neck and started kissing and biting on it giving me hickeys then he went down and kissed my breasts. He took my bra off and threw it on the floor he kissed my breast and went back up and kissed me.
Then took off my shorts and my panties. He got down and put my finger in me. I moaned it felt so good. Then he put two fingers in there and started going a little bit faster. "Justin " I moaned he then took his finger out of me and put his tongue in me. He started kissing it and licking it. I moaned so loud. " Baby" I moaned  he running his hands up and down my breast while he was doing that. Then he came back up and kissed me.  Then Justin took off his pants and his boxers. " you ready" Justin said " yea I'm ready " I said then he put his dick inside of me and started grinding on me. While he was doing that he kissed my breast. He started going faster. I moaned loud. " faster" I moaned
He went a little faster. Then he came out of me. He laid beside me.
" that was amazing" I said " yea I'm glad You didn't cry this time " Justin said " yea I know " I said " so you wanna go to the movies" Justin said  looking at me " yea do you got a shower in here" I said " yea" Justin said. Then I got up and I grabbed my clothes and I felt a smack on my butt I turned around and saw Justin smirking. I went to the bathroom and took a shower and then I put on my clothes and I redid my hair and came out.
Justin was in a towel... cause there are like three bathrooms in here. He put on his clothes.
" your ready" Justin said
"Yea" I said
Then we got in the car and Justin drove to the movies. We got out and Justin payed for the movie. We went inside. Justin ordered popcorn and I looked at saw Nathan with a girl. They came up to us.
" Hey Ariana" Nathan said
" hey Nathan " I said
" so who's this " Nathan said
" her boyfriend and you know me Nathan" Justin said
" well you two have a good time" Nathan said smirking
Me and Justin walked away we sat down and watched the movie. Justin started kissing my neck.
" Justin I wanna watch the movie" I whispered
" ok" Justin whispered
Then a few minutes later he started putting his finger down my shorts and rubbing his finger up and down my clit. " your so wet" Justin whispered seductively I ended up moaning a little bit.
" I'm going to the bathroom" I said
Justin took his hand out my shorts. I got up and I went to the bathroom. Then Justin came in there and locked the door and pushed me against the wall.
" you miss me" Justin said kissing my neck
" maybe" I said
Then he kissed me and I kissed back.
Then my phone buzz.
Mom😁: where are you

Ariana❤️: I'm at the movies with some friends

Mom😁: you need to come home now

Ariana❤️: ok I'm on my way
" Justin you need to take me home" I said
" ok babe" Justin said
Then we left the movies and Justin drove me home.
He walked me to the door.
" goodnight baby" Justin said kissing my cheek
" goodnight " I said
Then I opened the door and went in.
Everyone was looking at me.
" what's going on " I said
" sit down " mom said
I went and sat down.
" your grades have been coming down and your teachers said you haven't been in class where have you been " dad said
" I was with Justin " I said
" why he is a bad boy" mom said
" no he is not.. he is actually a good person with a heart" I said
" you are grounded " dad said
" why" I said
" because you had sex before you were married... your grades are coming down... skipping school... and you go to school and come home and you are not to see that Justin boy " dad said
" but dad" I said
" but dad nothing go up to your room you are grounded for two weeks " dad said
I went up to my room and closed the door.
Layla came in my room.
" Ari" Layla said
" what " I said
" I'm sorry I told them" Layla said
" I thought you were like a sister to me that wouldn't tell my secrets but you are a backstabbing bitch" I said out of anger
" fine I was doing you a favor" Layla said going out my room slamming my door.
I started crying. I texted Justin.
Ariana❤️: I'm grounded

Justin🤤: why

Ariana❤️: cause I was skipping school with you and had sex with you and my grades are coming down

Justin🤤: damn I'm sorry baby girl

Ariana❤️: it's not your fault

Justin🤤: it really is

Ariana❤️: how

Justin🤤: because I am the one who kissed you I was the one to start the process of you having sex it's my fault your grades are coming down and you becoming a bad girl I'm sorry

Ariana❤️: Justin it's ok I made a lot of mistakes in my life and one of them was coming to live in California with my dad

Justin🤤: was it a mistake of meeting me

Ariana❤️: no of course not... you make me a better person every day

Justin🤤: so your mom is not your mom

Ariana❤️: that's my stepmom my real mom lives in Florida I miss her so much

               Justin🤤: why did you move with your dad

Ariana❤️: because of court .... and because my mom was doing drugs and she was getting better until my dad took me away from her

              Justin🤤: damn but Aleah is your real sister

Ariana❤️: yea my dad took her away from my mom too

              Justin🤤: that is messed up I am so sorry for you I didn't know

Ariana❤️: trust me Jay it is ok and I am going to be ok

                Justin🤤: how bout I take you to see your birth mom one day

Ariana❤️: thanks Justin that is really sweet of you but you don't have to do that

              Justin🤤: trust me I want to cause I want you to be happy I don't want you to be depress and hurt your self because Ariana I care bout you and I love you

Ariana❤️: I love you too

                Justin🤤: and I will always be here for you no matter what happens

Ariana❤️: thanks

               Justin🤤: well I should go to sleep see you tomorrow baby girl

Ariana❤️: see you tomorrow Jay love you❤️
I put my phone on the charger and I changed into a long shirt. I was laying down until someone came in my room.
" Ariana can we talk" mom said
" yea" I said
She closed my door and came and sat down
  " so I know you are 15 and you lose your v card and it's ok your dad is mad but I'm not" mom said 
" why you not mad" I said
" because I know how it feels to want to lose it this young I was 13 when I lost mine " mom said
" wow " I said
" yea but I will talk to your dad ok but just get some sleep" mom said
" thank you mom I really needed that " I said
" ok goodnight " mom said getting up
" goodnight " I said
Then she left my room and I went to sleep

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