The Flight of the Fat Lady

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Charms was boring, as it was just a recap from the previous year which my dad had taught me over the summer.

After class, I decided that I wanted to go speak with Professor McGonagall about dropping Divination and picking up Ancient Runes. I was hoping that the Runes course would be able to give me more insight into what I naturally wrote when I didn't actively try to write in English, and I didn't really want to be in Divination as I didn't see how the class would be beneficial to my growth as a Seer. I wasn't sure where her office was, as I hadn't even had her class yet.

After a few minutes of wandering around the corridors, eventually I ran into Professor Lupin.

"Are you alright Miss Evans?" he asked me. "You look lost."

"I was looking for Professor McGonagall's office," I told him. "I just wanted to ask her a couple of questions."

"I can take you there," Lupin told me. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, the sleep definitely helped," I told him. "But the images are still pretty fresh in my brain."

"That is to be expected," Professor Lupin said. "Do you have any questions or do you want to talk about any of it?"

"I don't think I am ready to talk about it," I answered. "But I will let you know if I want to talk about it."

He nodded at my response and pointed at a door across from where we were standing.

"That's where you are looking for," Lupin told me. "Good luck."

"Thanks," I said before knocking on the door.

I was only waiting a few minutes before the door opened.

"Hello Miss Evans," Professor McGonagall said to me. "Can I help you?"

"I had a question about changing one of my courses," I told her.

"Of course, come on in," she told me, holding the door open for me to come inside.

The two of us walked over to the desk and sat down across from each other.

"Which of your courses were you interested in changing?" McGonagall asked me.

"I would like to switch out of Divination into to Ancient Runes," I told her. "I tend to have visions when I sleep at the end of a long day, so I don't really see the point in taking Divination."

"Of course," she said to me. "I will figure out if there is any sort of grade you can get, considering that we don't generally get Seers as students. You can start the class as soon as we make sure that your schedule is sorted out. It should only take us a few days at the absolute most."

"Thank you very much," I replied, grateful that I wouldn't have to go up into the Divination room again.

In no time at all, Defense Against the Dark Arts had become most people's favourite class. Only Parkinson and her friends had anything to say about Professor Lupin, something that made all of us very annoyed.

Her most common complaint was about the state of his robes, but no one else cared. After boggarts, something that Lupin apologized to me about every time that he saw me, we studied Red Caps, which were nasty little goblin-like creatures that lurked wherever there has been bloodshed, in the dungeons of castles and potholes of deserted battlefields, waiting to bludgeon those who had got lost. After Red Caps, we moved on to Kappas, creepy water-dwellers that looked like scaly monkeys, with webbed hands, itching to strangle unwitting waders in their ponds.

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