Post Credit Scene

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No Ones Pov

Castle Dracula was abandoned after it's infamous master was killed, but there was someone inside the castle.

There was a man in ragged clothes with long light brown hair with yellow teeth, pale skin, and light blue eyes.

He was carrying a golden box as he walked to an empty, open coffin with a man suspended over it. 

He opened the box revealing the ashes inside. The man dumped the ashes into the coffin then took out a knife and sliced the floating man's throat.

The man stepped back as the blood dripped, from the corpse onto the ashes inside the coffin.

The blood saturated the blacken remains as the coffin filled with smoke. Hands appeared and grasped the sides of the coffin as a body rose out of it. 

The perpetrator cried out with joy. "I have resurrected you Master, you are alive!"

The old man had pointed ears with white hair, his outfit all black dress clothing, including his cape. He had a white mustache, hair on the tops of his hands that had sharp fingernails, fangs, and pale skin. Slowly, he opened his bloodshot red eyes.

The creature turned to the man, the tone of his voice commanding respect and instilling fear. "It was my will Redfield, it was my will."

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