.+*We actually have the chip reader now*+.

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[3rd POV]
        The whole group was playing in the manor. Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, and Violet were all doing their own thing. Huey and Violet were reading about electronics and conducting tests. Dewey was trying to do that one kickflip that Della did before with Webby. Louie was in the living room eating chips and Lena was with him, not doing anything either.

[Huey's POV]
       I tightened the last of the screws on the device Violet and I were working on. It was a personal belongings scanner. You would have to input a code and put your belongings in a bag. It's kind of like a portable locker. Violet and I just added a new feature so you could just scan a personalized chip to open the bag.

"There we go!" I exclaimed. I picked up the device and motioned Violet to follow me.

"Where are we going Hubert?" Violet asked me. I walked down the stairs and into the living room with the bag in my hands.

"We are going to see if this device works!" I tell her, making Louie and Lena look at me with questionable faces. I place the bag on the table in front of my younger brother and our friends. A few weeks ago I explained what the bag was, so Louie knows what it is. He stretched out and grabbed the bag, starting to input a code that he personalized.

"We actually have a chip reader now!" I tell him. He looks at me and grabs a tortilla chip from the snack bag he was eating from and showed it to Violet and I.

"Uhm.. It's not going to work with tha-" Violet states before being cut off by Louie sliding the chip through the space Violet added for the chip. The machine then says,

"Transaction Complete"

"What the-" I stammered as the bag opened up and Louie shoved the device into my arms. Lena started chuckling  and slow clapping at what Louie had managed to do. Violet and I looked at each other and walked out of the living room as Webby and Dewey passed us and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing weird happened at all!" I reply still waking up the stairs with Violet. And for the rest of the day we thought about how the heck that worked with a snack chip.

(A/n: Finally another chapter! You can interpret this however you want but I just think this is what would have happened. Have a nerdy day! ~ Your neighborhood nerd)

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