Chapter 17: Will

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After the incident during Dueling Club, everyone was on edge. Herbology had been canceled due to a blizzard, so we were all working to find something better to do. "I'm staying in the common room. The castle is way to cold right now." Victoria huffed, pulling out a book and starting to read.

Percy had agreed with her. I turned to the other Hufflepuffs and hoped they were more exciting. "I don't think Justin should go out. If Harry's after him," Ernie started.

"Watch what your saying, McMillan," Victoria growled, not looking up from her book.

"Right, right, Justin you shouldn't go anywhere alone though."

Justin just nodded and took Hazel and Frank off with him to go chill out somewhere less stressful. That left, Ernie, Hannah, a few other second year Hufflepuffs, and I to head to the library.

Once there we took a few seats. I pretended to ignore them as they started talking about Harry. One thing Ernie said caught my attention. "Remember what was written on the wall? Enemies of the Heir, Beware. Potter had some sort of run-in with Filch. Next thing we know, Filch's cat's attacked. That first year, Creevey, was annoying Potter at the Quidditch match, taking pictures of him while he was lying in the mud. Next thing we know - Creevey's been attacked."

"That doesn't explain Zagan," I mentioned, not liking how right Ernie sounded.

"That ones obvious. Zagan was acting super friendly with his sister. He probably didn't like that and wanted her all to himself. Boom, Zagan's no longer a threat."

I stayed quiet after that until I heard someone clear their throat behind us. Harry was apparently looking for Justin. After an infuriating conversation with Ernie though, Harry stormed off.

I ran after him, hoping to salvage something with him. "Harry! Harry wait!"

Harry turned toward me, fuming, "What?!" He spat, "Here to make fun of me too."

"No, I'm here to say I believe you. Those people are scared and they're trying to find someone to blame. I'm not saying their right, I'm just saying they have a point."

Harry rolled his eyes but nodded. I offered to take him to go see Justin. He thanked me, and we went off. I was telling him a funny story from the summer when we tripped over someone, literally.

I looked down and shuddered. Harry had just tripped over Justin. The person I had tripped over hit a little closer to home. "Shoot," I muttered as I looked down at Frank Zhang. Off on the other side of him was Hazel. I closed my eyes and blinked, praying this was some sort of joke. It wasn't.

Peeves coming out and calling out to everyone seemed to go in one ear and out the other. I started thinking about Nico. He had just lost another sister. I didn't think he would take that very well.

I tuned back in only when McGonagall tapped me on the shoulder. "Head back to your dormitory, Solace. Tell the other Hufflepuffs. Potter, you come with me."

I saw Harry trying to argue, but I rushed from the scene. I made it to the common room quite quickly and tore inside. "Theres been another attack!" I called. That got everyone's attention.

"Who?" Some third year asked.

"Justin, Hazel, and Frank," I said, looking over at Victoria and Percy.

Once the news settled in, Victoria, Percy, and I met up in one of the corners. "There's got to be a pattern. Whatever this monster is seems to have a grudge against Ares and Hades." Victoria suggested.

"Or it was just them being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The monster seems to be framing Harry and doing it very well." I paused before telling them what Ernie had said earlier.

"But Hazel and Frank have no grudge against Harry," Percy said.

"Wrong place, wrong time," Victoria muttered. "We need to stop traveling solo. We need to always be in at least pairs. Maybe then we'll stand a slight chance against this thing."

Percy and I nodded in agreement, and I sent a letter to the others in the other houses. "Oh, and by the way, I think Harry's in trouble."

Victoria groaned at that and muttered something that sounded like, "Of course he is," before walking away. 

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