Chapter 22: Percy

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Harry and Ron decided to wait to find the spiders. The thing was that they weren't in the castle anymore. Victoria seemed relieved by this revelation as spring turned into summer. In different circumstances I knew us demigods would be spending as much time as possible in the sun, but that wasn't going to happen.

With all the new rules in place, Hogwarts didn't feel the same. The worst was when we left our group for a few seconds after dinner to go check up on family. Madam Pomphrey met us through a slit in the door and said no visitors were allowed.

Victoria had pitched a fit, but nothing she said could change Madam Pomphrey's mind. We went back to the common room defeated and disheartened. I tried to keep that off my face though. I missed Annabeth so much, and I was worried, but I had to be there for Victoria who was obviously also hurting more than she let on.

The spiders had almost left my mind until Herbology one day. One of the prefects had led us there where we met up with the Gryffindors. Will, Victoria, Bianca, and I all partnered up. Nico had wanted to join us, but Victoria had been adamant about partnering with Bianca.

I didn't quite understand why until I caught a little snippet of their conversation before Professor Sprout started class. "They're going to make it out. Hecate wouldn't just kill them off," Bianca said, looking over at Victoria.

"How can you be sure?" Victoria's voice was barely more than a whisper. I noticed that Nico and Will were eavesdropping as well.

"I'm not, but we've got to hope, right? Positive vibes only." Bianca pulled her into a hug, and the girls stayed like that for a second. Nico politely backed off to partner with Dean, Jason, and Leo.

Victoria nudged me about halfway through the class, and I turned, wondering what was wrong. "Look," She mumbled, pointing over to the to the wall before shuddering.

I looked at it more closely and noticed a line of spiders. I squeezed her hand and turned us back to the subject at hand. Something I had noticed in the last few weeks was that Victoria's grades had been slowly taking a hit. Not bad enough for anyone to catch up to her because her biggest competitors were all now petrified, but it was noticeable to anyone who knew her.

After class as Professor Sprout led us to Lockhart's class, Victoria and I slipped into line with Ron and Harry. They were discussing traveling into the forbidden forest to follow the trail of spiders. "Count us in too," Victoria said with a smirk.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"Absolutely," I said, clapping him on the back, "It's not like we have anything better to do."

Harry nodded, and Ron just looked scared for tonight. We entered the next class and sat in the back. Lockhart took this time to talk all about how he knew it was Hagrid all along, and that there was nothing to worry about.

It was obvious that the entire class disagreed. Some voiced their opinions, but Lockhart took it far when he said, "I flatter myself I know a touch more about Hagrid's arrest than you do, Mr. Weasley."

"And I flatter myself in knowing a little more about politics then you do," Victoria retorted.

Lockhart turned, blushed, and switched topics. I high-fived Victoria under the table and counted the minutes till the end of this stupid class.

That night, Victoria and I sat in the common room waiting for everyone to clear out. We had both changed. She was in leggings and a sweatshirt that she said was Tristan's. I could believe that seeing as it was only slightly to big for her and green. I was in a blue hoodie and jeans.

When she had first seen the hoodie, she laughed, "I have that hoodie."

Will snorted at that from beside me. We spent the rest of the evening playing a few rounds of wizards chess until finally a group of first years left. "Gods, I didn't think they were ever leaving," Victoria grumbled as she slipped her hat onto her head and disappeared.

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