Chapter I

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For Sephiroth’s Lovers
Sephiroth x Reader

Chapter I

   ‘Take a deep breath… keep calm… stay focused on the enemy… don’t lose the balance… I can do this!’ You raised your head and opened your eyes, settling them on the Behemoth which was standing within 30 feet from you, glaring back at you with such intense eyes. ‘Let’s finish this.’ You grabbed the hilt of your sword and drew it out of its sheath, taking up a fighting stance. That alone caused the beast’s eyes to grow ever more belligerent, so it stomped a couple of steps forward, hitting its heavy paws loudly against the ground and making its claws grate in contact with the hard surface beneath them, then it released an air-piercing roar, which made the very ground shake underneath your feet. 

   However, that was not sufficient to cause you to bat an eyelid. You, in return, shot a cold glower at the monster, tightening the grip around your weapon’s hilt: “Come.” You demanded with a tempting yet composed tone. The Behemoth did not hesitate in the slightest to reply to your ambitious appeal, so it took the initiative and hurled toward you. You didn’t move a muscle though; you waited for the beast to reach you (which didn’t take too long) then you jumped with the speed of light and kicked the Behemoth square on the head, making it howl furiously. As soon as your feet had fallen back to touch the ground, you brandished your sword in front of the Behemoth’s face, causing its well-honed blade to blaze brightly as it reflected the surrounding lights beautifully, then with one smooth and swift move, you grazed the throat of the monster making the blood flow from its neck. But the Behemoth’s roar only sprang angrier and it sure was determined to let you taste the bitter feeling of its cold claws tearing your skin. 

   That was far from happening though. Once again, you hopped from the ground at a great speed and you hung in the air as if you were holding onto mere emptiness or held by some invisible wings. You glared at the Behemoth which was right beneath you, and you lifted your arms, aiming the sword’s shiny tip skywards. “I WILL!” With one movement, you plummeted onto the Behemoth and thrust the blade into its skull, causing the brute to suddenly freeze in place. You exhaled, pulling the sword out of the dying monster’s head and you jumped off its back, landing safely on your feet, in front of the Behemoth. As you straightened up, you heard the bashing thud of the large carcass dropping dead to the floor. You turned around and looked at the lifeless body that lied motionlessly in front of you. Uncontrollably, your eyes softened at the sight and you slightly loosened your grip on the sword: “I will… become stronger.” You uttered, quietly. 

   You closed your eyes and slid the sharp blade back into its shield, as the images around you, including that of the knocked-out Behemoth, began to dissipate gradually, consequently revealing the walls of the simulation chamber in which you were training; all the data and images that were displayed were in fact generated by the Virtual Reality System, thus programmed. However, they seemed so realistic. 

   Your eyelids opened at hearing the sound of slow clapping coming from the room’s entrance. You whipped your head to that direction to find a certain SOLDIER 1st Class standing at the door while leaning his back against its frame. He was clapping his hands, his green cat-like eyes fixed on you and on his lips a smirk of approval. “Sephiroth!” You haven’t noticed him standing there before. Was he there the whole time?!

   “Impressive!” he said, crossing his arms in front of his taut chest. You smiled appreciatively upon hearing his compliment and you reached for the special goggles that had covered your eyes, taking them off. “Thank you.” You answered humbly. 

   “I’m certain that you’ll become a 1st Class in no time, _______.” He stated, walking with steady steps toward you. You blushed lightly but then tried to shake it off and replied: “I have got a great tutor, that’s why.” That caused the man’s smirk to grow slightly wider. “I couldn’t agree more.” He said agreeably. He indeed was your tutor, but if you ever had the chance to teach this man something – humility would be the first lesson. However, aside from his confidence and self-assurance (and sometimes his inflated “amour propre”), he was a man of perfection. Not only a proud and strong 1st class SOLDIER he was, but also a handsome fine man. The sparkling emeralds in his eyes alone were quite enough to hypnotize whoever gazed at them, how much more so would his tall and muscular built, his long silver hair, his flawless ivory skin and his killing smirk make him the center of attraction! So yes, it was natural to see him surrounded by ladies, wherever he happened to be. They all were taking with his magnificent presence, and he was – frankly said – a lady-killer, so the poor women were excused. But as much as you hated to admit it, you were not an exception. In fact, you had a soft spot for him ever since you had joined Shinra Company…

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