Chapter II

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Chapter II

No matter how much I hated it, I ended up coming anyways... this is so unfair...

It was quite a chilly night; you were standing out there and your body was completely vulnerable to the cool breeze that blew against the exposed skin of your arms and shoulders, causing goose pimples to appear. You were standing in front of the "Alfombra Roja" Jazz bar, watching the people - mostly couples - going in and out of the pub, while some were simply walking along the dimly lit street to their different destinations. They all, males and females were dressed in vogue; men were wearing fancy dark suits and excessively polished dress shoes, and along with each one of them was a woman - or two - clinging to his arm, looking ostentatious in every way possible, clothed in chic dress which was immodestly showing some skin, and adorned in all sorts of dazzling jewelry.

You lowered your head and gazed at your own garments, and your eyes sank into a slight feeling of disappointment as they examined the obvious difference between the swanky styles of the mentioned ladies and your modest appearance. You were clad in a simple - yet cute - black Taffeta knee-length Cocktail dress with black flowers attached to the bottom part of the skirt, and your hair was pulled into an elegant braided bun while basic make-up was applied to your face. However, even the smallest and simplest change in your style had a drastic effect on your overall looks. In fact, you didn't even try to prettify yourself or to beat other women in a beauty contest, for you weren't interested in the slightest in the artificial and short-lived glamor that people usually try to dignify. It wasn't wrong, in your opinion, to beautify oneself; however, and despite of sometimes wishing you could be as carefree as those women were, you were satisfied with the way you were. You had one thing which was far greater and more precious than anything else in the world, something more beautiful than beauty itself.

You looked at your right side where stood the tall herculean Angeal, his black hair brushed neatly to the back of his head, wearing his usual serious frown over his face, then you looked to your left to gaze at your other male friend, Genesis, who didn't surpass the first one had it come to height or presence, but he had his own overwhelming charm thanks to his elegant looks and his silky red hair that was flowing harmonically with the soft breeze of that night. You then closed your eyes and allowed a graceful smile to brush your lips. I have a treasure which cannot be replaced. True friends. People who care for me and protect me... I couldn't ask for more. With these two by my side, I've got nothing to fear, nothing to worry about. Zack, as well... he'd do anything in order to make me smile. And... of course... Sephiroth...

Your brow furrowed dolefully upon having the said man's face flashing in your mind. The conversation that the two of you had the previous day did not end up well, and both came out unhappy. It wasn't supposed to be that way; how did things turn out so awfully? But again, he was behaving strangely, forcefully, and domineeringly. He believed he could get whatever and whomever he wanted, and he had the power to do so. You didn't like that however: you loved him, really, but you didn't want it to be this way.

Your spirit was weighed with your troubling thoughts, and your body began shivering uncontrollably not only because of the night chill but also of bewilderment added. You hugged yourself with your arms in attempt to keep control of those overwhelming emotions that had driven both your mind and body insane, when you heard Angeal addressing you, asking: "_______... are you cold?"

"Ah, no... I'm fine. Thank you for your concern." You smiled weakly at him.

"I can lend you my suit blazer if you want." He suggested.

"Well, well, mister Hewley!" You whipped your head to the left upon hearing Genesis' interjection: "You're acting all courteous and chivalrous, like a true gentleman... are you, by any chance, trying to hit on her?" Genesis said while arching an eyebrow.

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