Chapter IV

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Chapter IV

Without giving it another thought, you promptly grabbed Sephiroth's arm, yanking it out of Marika's possessive grip, and you compelled him to partially turn around. You forcibly seized his black tie, pulling him acquisitively toward you, and you crashed your lips onto his.

And yes... you kissed him. You had to stand on your toes in order to reach the distinct height of his, and you pulled at his garment to ensure your own balance. You could tell that he was taken aback at first by the unusual harsh and demanding actions coming from your part, but it didn't take much time for his shoulders to become less tense, and he deliberately inclined his head in order to give you full permission to claim his lips. Marika gasped rather loudly at the scene and attempted to stomp in and intrude on your kiss, but Sephiroth caused her to shrink back as he tossed the champagne glass in her direction, letting it drop to the floor and be smashed noisily into pieces, and as a result the sparkling liquid splashed across the floor and onto Marika's feet. "Aaah!" She shouted with exaggerated revulsion. You did hear her complaining, but you didn't care about her presence - not anymore. You clang to him even closer, kissing his lips ever so roughly. You heard his throat grunting satisfactorily, and then you felt his gentle fingers grazing the skin of your face as he kissed you back.

The robust side of yours was short-lived though... it happened so quickly, and you felt it, when the submissive yearning within you began to crawl across your body, leaving you completely helpless under the soft touch of the man you loved the most. You were certain that you were going to melt into his arms if you stayed there - you didn't wish it to happen however; you wanted to end it right then while you still could. No longer clenching his garment, you pushed him away from you, tearing your lips apart, and you glared at him with strikingly daring eyes while keeping your flat hands fixed to his chest. "What do you think you're doing?!" Marika's deafening voice shrieked in your ears, but you only gave her little regard, if not none. Your glower was set on Sephiroth alone and that was when you did something much crazier than your previous actions. "I hate you!" you hissed, pushing him out of your way and you stormed toward the bar's exit, rushing out of the pub and onto the street.

The man whom you left back in the pub was utterly staggered; he kept standing motionlessly in his place, staring deeply at the door through which you had left. Marika, on the other hand, was furious! Had you been there still, you would have been strangled by her right then and there! Avoiding the broken glass and the paddle of champagne scattered over the ground, she stepped closer to Sephiroth, placing her hands over his chest and asking: "Baby, are you okay? Sephy, look at me..." But he did not turn to look at her, nor did he answer her with a word. She, however, was determined to regain his attention, so she moved one hand to the side of his face and pressed it to his cheek in order to make him turn his head and look at her: "Honey, what's..."

But Sephiroth stopped her as he grabbed her hand and guided it slowly away from his face: "Don't touch me." He ordered, still keeping his eyes looking in the direction in which you had gone. "What are you..?" She queried, but her eyes widened in surprise after noticing the smile that was gracing the man's lips. He was smiling; but it was far from being considered mischievous - it was a real smile, a genuine one.

"You no longer have the right to touch me..." he uttered, not bothering to look at her, "because I have found her... at last."

"Sephiroth, what are you talking about?! Have you lost your mind?! You must be hallucinating!"

"No." He replied, finally shifting his eyes to settle on her while keeping the same smile on his handsome face. "I am fully conscious, I assure you."

"What?!" She spat. "This is stupid?! What has she done to you?! That witch! I'm gonna show that pathet-..." She was cut short when Sephiroth tightened his grip around her wrist, so forcefully which made her wince in pain, and he glared at her while threatening to break her arm: "Don't you even dare." He growled.

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