Ch. 49 - Calling Bad Boy

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My phone was ringing non-stop. I had been ignoring it for about ten minutes because I was driving home from running an errand. When I finally got the groceries inside I turned over my phone I felt my stomach drop.

It was Eve.

My heart raced when I saw her name as the caller ID. I felt my face turn red and my tongue turn into dead weight. How the fuck could she do this to me? I blamed the curse for this dumbass reaction. She was Bambi not someone to get all excited about. I took a deep breath and answered the phone.

"Miss me this much? I dropped you off two hours ago."

A familiar and tear choked voice that I couldn't place came through the speaker, "Jace? Jace, oh thank god, please. Some - something happened. Oh god, Jason, I -"

"What happened?" I said sternly as I rushed to the door, "Calm the hell down and tell me what happened."

"She's . . ." the voice croaked, "She's gone."

I got in the car and hung up. I took deep breaths as I drove. I had to calm down. I wasn't going to be able to save anyone if I was losing my mind. I called Sam and told him that she was gone and to meet me at the high school. He knew not to say much. I was clearly in a bad place right now. I didn't have time to get in my head about this. I couldn't get all caught up thinking about where she could be or how I should've been there or . . . 

Evening was gone. 

I tried to shake these thoughts out of my head. They'd only get in the way.

I was going well past the speed limit. 

It took less than five minutes to get there.

I tore into the school only to see a stupidly decorated hallway and a group of familiar looking people sitting together at a table. Josh looked like his soul was sucked out of his body. One girl was crying, Jess I think, as a guy I don't remember visiting my house comforted her. Everyone else looked grim. I didn't have time to care about them.

Evening was gone.

Focus, dammit!

"What happened?" I boomed as I walked towards the table.

Everyone looked up at me and Jess tried to sand up, but she couldn't, "She was talking to C - Colson here. She went to the bathroom and . . . and . . ."

She burst into tears and buried her head in the guy who was comforting her shoulders.

I remembered who he was.

He remembered me, too.


It threw me for a minute, but there was something more important going on.

"Colson? Colson who?"

A twiggy pale boy stood up shakily, "I'm Colson."

I glared at him, "Tell. Me. Everything."

Sam ran up and put his hand on my shoulder, "Jace, take a seat, okay? Let us handle this."

I shook his hand off, "I'm fine. Now, Colson, explain."

He nervously told us that they spent the first hour of the dance together. After a while she went to that bathroom and she didn't come back. She was last seen at around 8:10. It was now nearing nine o'clock. She'd been gone for an hour before I was called. I balled my fist and was about to go off when Sam put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and saw his eyes. He was mad and scared like the rest of us, but he knew he had to keep it under control. I had to keep it under control. If I was ever going to see Bambi again then I needed to calm down. Sam, Raph, and Leo asked everyone some questions in order to help our search, but nothing was helping. We knew the Vipers were probably behind this, but they were the most elusive mafia under Lyn. We knew next to nothing about them. We told them to call Lyn and Mr. Simmons, but not the police, before the guys and I started heading towards our cars to start our search. As we walked a guy in black pants and a black hoodie stopped us. He had a friendly face and light brown hair. His blue eyes were full of fear and desperation.

"What?" I barked at him.

I wasn't in the mood.

Evening was gone.

"I know you probably won't trust me," the words seemed to tumble out of his mouth in his desperate attempt to get me to listen, "But I know where Eve is and we have to hurry."

I grabbed him, "What do you know?"

The guys were standing around me, just watching.

"I met Eve in class. We're good friends. I even sit with her during lunch," he was so nervous he was spewing nonsense, "If I had known . . . If only I'd known who she was when we met, I would've made Cladwell give me a new partner. Now . . . now . . ."

I gave him my best glare, "What. Do. You. Know?"

He seemed to be used to be on the receiving end of such glares, "I'm the only son of Edvard Jones, Boss of the Vipers."

I shoved him, "You did this!"

He put his hands up in defense, "Please, I had no idea who she was. I never wanted to get married. I don't want this. I just want my father to stop. Please."

The guys held me back as Sam tried to make me see sense, "Jason, look at him. You know what guilty guys look like. He clearly blames himself, yeah. But did he do this?"

I looked at the broken boy who laid before me on the asphalt. I knew what Boss fathers could be like. Old Man Segretti refused to have kids so they wouldn't end up like this guy. Whoever this kid was, however he knew her, he didn't want to be a part of all this.

I shook the guys off, "Where are they keeping her and how do we get her back?"

He almost smiled, "Thank you for listening."

I rolled my eyes.

I may be letting him help, but I still didn't like him.

He got the hint and just started talking, "We need four things to get into this place before we can even start heading over there. First, a hacker. My father is big on high tech security."

Sam raised his hand, "That'll be me."

"Second, two different types of fighter. My father guards everything with heavy weight guys and these quicker guys. Each is a challenge in their own right to beat. But you have to get rid of them quickly. Don't want anyone finding you're there."

Leo and Raph nodded as Leo spoke, "They call us Quick and Meaty."

"No, they don't," I said.

"They should," Leo pouted.

"Third, lock pick. Nothing like a good old fashioned lock you can trust."

"My specialty," Leo smirked.

"Fourth, a distraction, which I will provide."

"Where is it and what's the plan that I assume you have?" I said curtly.

I didn't like that I wasn't involved.

I wanted to help.

The guy smirked at me, "Of course I have a plan."

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